Chapter 17

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The duel is here! Yay! Sorry that it's so short but hey, it's hard to make duels last longer than 2 pages. Please vote and tell me what you think! :D


Azalea's POV:

            Before I knew it, I followed Lysander and Christopher down to the training arena. I was so overcome with concern for Christopher.

            “Christopher, forfeit now before you get hurt.”

            “A high prince of Cardinia does not surrender, no matter who the foe.”

            “Christopher, you don’t understand how skilled Lysander is. He surpassed his swords master at age only fourteen. If you cannot even overpower me in a duel, how are you to defeat someone of his calibur?”

Christopher chose his sword before tilting my chin to gaze into his eyes, making me blush.

            “Do you trust me?”


            “Then everything will turn out fine.”

He stepped away from me and faced my brother, his opponent. I kept my eyes fixed on the two and watched with anxiety.

            My brother immediately took the offensive and charged at Christopher. Christopher, just like in our duel, he dodged and blocked Lysander’s attacks. Though Lysander took the initiative to try to knock Christopher’s blade several times, Christopher never left any openings. Unlike our duel where he would strike me only a few times, Christopher never took the offensive to counterattack Lysander. He stayed in defense the entire time. From my swordsmanship viewpoint, I knew he could not win if he kept only that tactic.

            “Are you even a man? Why do you not fight back?” Lysander insulted. “I feel guilty for battling such a poor swordsman.”

            Though Lysander brimmed with confidence and continued assailing Christopher, I noticed he was drenched with sweat from the sun and his intense workout. Christopher panted heavily, but I noticed something peculiar about him. Though his breaths were heavier than Lysander, he had barely perspired. Our eyes met for a second and a hidden sly smile appeared on his face. That’s when time sped up.

            Christopher charged for the first time, leading to Lysander dodging and they parried for a while before being engaged by their swords. Christopher then used his strength to push Lysander back a little and they were released from each others’ hold. Moving as swiftly as a fox, Christopher side stepped to Lysander’s right and glided his sword to pommel Lysander’s blade. After his sword was knocked far out of his reach, Lysander stared ahead only to see the tip of Christopher’s blade staring right back at him.

            “You may have surpassed your teacher at fourteen Prince Lysander, but I surpassed mine when I was a mere eleven year old.”

Christopher let his sword descend after proclaiming himself the victor of the duel. The serious expression on his face dropped and he smiled at Lysander.

            “I have to admit you were a great opponent and challenge. I have not met many swordsmen of your stature.”

            “As nor I Prince Christopher; you were indeed skilled. I believe you have the power needed to protect Princess Azalea. It is my honor to approve of your marriage with my sister.”

            I was so overcome with relief that I ran up to Christopher and wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled and bent down to kiss my forehead. Afterwards, I ran to my brother and kissed him on the cheek.

            “Thank you so much brother!” I smiled.

Lysander warmly patted me on my head before releasing me and started walking off. Before totally leaving the arena though, he looked at Christopher one last time.     

            “This doesn’t mean you can treat me like a brother Christopher.” Lysander joked.

            “Never thought of it Lysander.” Christopher joked back.

            When we were alone, I asked the question that had been wandering around in my mind since the end of the match.

            “How did you win? My brother was clearly winning in the beginning.”

            “That is just my method when it comes to a strong opponent. I take the defense for the beginning of the duel in order to use less stamina and tire out the adversary. Try to boost his confidence by making it seem like I am the weak one in the battle and counterattack with full force.”

            “Does that mean you went easy on me during our duel?”

            “Of course not, you were a tough one Azalea. As expected of my wife.” He ruffled my hair. I knocked his hand off and fixed my hair. Christopher held out his hand to me. He spoke to me in an odd tone of voice.

            “Shall we celebrate this new obstacle with some delicious dinner? I hear the chef is preparing a feast tonight.”

I giggled at his strange accent and gladly took his hand in mine. 


So I have this dilemma that maybe you guys can help me with. Should I write about their coronation on should I not? I'm wavering. 

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