Fixing me won't fix us (mpreg) part 2

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2 years later...
It's been officially 2 years, a lot of things happened in these two years,I found out that I was pregnant, gave birth to a healthy baby girl and now her papa aka my boyfriend is coming home today!!!

I think that I'm really lucky right now because my mom and Jay were really supportive and helped me through everything like morning sickness, cramps,mood swings and more. Jay was the most helpful one since she has more children and my mom had two easy pregnancies. They also help me when the baby was born with everything. I couldn't be more great full.

As for my dad and Louis's, they were against the idea of me keeping the baby in the first place because I was too young and I had to finish high school first. Luckily this wasn't a problem since I got pregnant in April with means that I only had 2 moths of school left so I successfully finished college with flying colours and nobody new about my pregnancy since I got my baby bum around 5 moths.

Right now I have to get the baby and me ready because Lou's plane is going to land at 12 o'clock which is in 2 hours since it's 10 o'clock and it takes 45 minutes to got to the airport so it means that I have exactly 1h15 left if I want to get there in time.

I got up from my bed and when straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my face, I decided to skip the shower since I only had an hour and fifteen minutes before I have to leave the house and since I have a 2 year old girl to take care of, I came to conclusion that I don't have time for a shower.

After I finished my business in the bathroom, I when into my kid's bedroom to wake her up, then I help her take a shower brush her teeth, her face and get dressed. I when downstairs with the baby to the kitchen to make a fast breakfast, I ended up making oatmeal for me and cereals for the little one.

When we're donne eating I take the bag with all her essentials in it and put it in the car then I walk back into the house to take the kid this time. I carry her to the car since I don't trust her little legs yet, make sure that the door is locked and put her in the car seat. I get in the driver's seat and text Jay and my mom that we're on our way so we could meet there.

At the airport

I don't think that I've never been so nervous like this in my entire life. Here's why, I'm going to meet my boyfriend for the first time since 2 years who I don't even know is he's alive,dead or maybe handicapped and it's gong to be the first time he meets his daughter. Plus I don't even know if he will like to be in her life. I mean he could easily just walk away. Witch will be kinda understanding since we're still so young. I don't think that Louis will be ready to take care of a child with me since he is like a child himself but just let hope for the best.

Jay, my mom and I wait patiently for Louis to appear, while my mom rocks Loulou slowly because it turns out that she doesn't like noises. I gave Loulou to my mom so I can freely run and hug Louis.

As the gates open, I start to jump around looking for a familiar face. When I finally see it after a couple of minutes, a wave of happiness and excitement rushes over me,I quickly ran towards him and hug him tightly. He unexpectedly jumped into my arms.

"Hey boo" I say kissing his head

"Hey baby" he answered hugged me tighter

After a couple of minutes, I slowly put him down and lead him to my mom and Jay. He gave a rally big hug to hid mom while crying which is understandable for the fact that he didn't see her for 2 hole years. Afterwards, he went to hug my mom but stopped when he saw the baby.

"Anne you got pregnant again?" He asked looking confused

"Umm no, this isn't mine" she answered hesitantly

"Then who's is it?"

She looked at me with an apologetic look and said "It's Harry's"

After those words escaped her mouth, Louis turned and looked at me with tears in his eyes. That's when I knew that it this isn't going to end well.

"I went away for 2 years and you cheated on me and got the dam girl pregnant!" He says while the tears are streaming down his face.

"No Lou I promise that I didn't cheat on you just let me explain"  I walk towards him and pull him into my chest to make sure that he doesn't run away.

"Fine go on tell me how you didn't "cheat on me"!"

"So basically...Umm.. after you left of...Umm two weeks I...ummm found out that I was... ummm pregnant....because apparently...ummm I have a girls reproductive system so...Umm I can get pregnant and ... Umm this is very rare so umm... only like.. ummm 1% of male are like me."

"Wait so this is our daughter?"

"Yes", I say walking towards my mom and took my girl from her. "This is Skye Louise Tomlinson"

"You gave her my last name" he says looking at me with tears but this time with happy tears

"Yeah the kids get her papa's last name after all" I smile while giving him Skye so he could hold her.

"She is so cute and pretty" He says.

It was actually true, Skye had the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen (after Louis's of course), he had my curly hair but it was in Louis's hair colour, her lips were like mine, plump and pink. She also had my dimples which I'm sure Louis will adore and finally she had Louis twik face.

"Yeah she is, but umm... listen you don't have to take care of her if you don't want to. I will totally understand."

"Why in the world would you think that Haz"

"I don't know but I just don't want you to feel like you're forced to take care of her even if you don't want to" I answer looking down

Louis put my hands in his with his free on and said " Haz, baby, I would love to take care of her with you. I don't know what's gone into you're brain but I won't leave you with our daughter alone I can assure you that. And I just want to make it clear that you're not forcing me to do anything"

I smile and slowly leaned in to kiss him. I couldn't believe it, me and Louis are going to have are own little family and maybe just maybe it could grow more over time and we could stay together forever.

Everything works out in the ends doesn't in?

So that was the ending of fixing me won't fix us! And I just realized that most of my one shots are Larry with kids so I will give you a short break of kidfics and then I will write little white lies part 3.
Anyways I hope that you liked it.
If you have any comments or requests please tell me

ℒ𝒶𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒮𝓉𝓎𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓈𝑜𝓃 - 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ