Runaway Baby

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Summary: Harry styles from the worldwide boy band one direction found out that he was pregnant at the age of 19. After that news, he decided to run away, what will happen when Simon finds out where he lives and forces him to go back. Will they accepted him, will they hate him or the worst question, the question that terrified Harry , what will be the reaction of the baby daddy.
A year and 4 moths,17 moths, 517 Days, 11 Hours, 26 Minutes and 39 Seconds since I left and 8 moths, 34 weeks, 243 Days, 12 Hours, 26 Minutes and 39 Seconds since she was born. I've not seen anyone since the day I left. Yeah I isolate myself in a house in the other side of London where everyone I know lives. Sometimes I think that it wasn't the best idea to run away but I can't just return. The worst thing is that I'm the one who ignored them especially him, I don't even know what the hell is going on with them like is the band still together or did they broke up or what they think about me now specially him. He probably moved on I mean what kind of person waits around for someone who ran away without explaining why. The reason I did this was because I was sacred. I was sacred about his reaction but most of all about the management reaction. If they didn't like that they have two gay members in the band how could they possibly accept a guy with a girl reproduction parts in him. I miss everyone so much, I haven't seen anyone not even my family. I wonder how are they doing. Back to the present. Right now, I'm feeding my lovely 8 moths old baby girl. Trust me I'm very happy that she was born even though she was an accident. In the beginning, I thought of abortion but then I started to feel bad since she was my kid and my responsibility. So instead of an abortion I decided to run away. How creative huh. Anyways I have to stop talking to myself or else I will go crazy but I can't blame myself because I didn't talk to anyone since I ran away. I just have to hope that someone will magically find me since I will never have the courage to go back by myself...
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I silently groaned to not wake up my baby. 5 minutes later, I got up and when to the kitchen to make my breakfast and my baby girl's milk. After I finish cooking my breakfast with was scrambled eggs, bacon and bread, I when to my room to get Liz. I took her from her crib and went downstairs to feed her then me. When breakfast was done, I took her outside in, the backyard of course cause I wasn't planing on getting caught by paparazzi. In case you're wondering,yes they still search for me till this day and I'm pretty sure Simon got himself someone to search for me or something like that. I surprisingly can't wait for them to find me because I will finally able to live my life normally. Omg! I will even be able to go to grocery store and shop like a normal person! I quickly snapped out of my day dreaming when I heard a knock on the door. Witch was kinda weird because nobody ever came here. I quickly picked up Liz and when to open towards the door. I stood there in shook, I couldn't believe what I saw precisely who I saw.My brain couldn't register what was happening until I heard that person scream name.
I shook my head up to look at him and it was when I saw tears in his eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because of me or because of the baby that I was holding in my arms.
"H-hi" I said not even looking up at him
"Harry, mate,you've been gone for a year and all you say is hi!"
"I'm sorry okay I just don't know what to say!"
"You could start by explaining" he said while his eyes looked down at the baby
"I will explain to all of you at once. How about you tell me how the hell did you find me!"
"Well Simon hired these people to go and find you—"
"Of course he did"
"Harry let me finish! Anyways, they didn't succeed so I got the idea of tracking your phone and here I am"
"NIALL! Why would you do that!"
"Because Harry it's been a year and 4 moths since we saw you and you didn't even bother to tell us why. The least you could've done is that you tell Louis that you cheated on him! "
"Look I'm sorry I ran away and I regret it but I just couldn't bring myself to got  ack or talk to you guys "
"Yeah because you cheated on your long terme boyfriend and got the girl pregnant!"
"NIALL STOP! First of all I didn't get a girl pregnant, I'm gay! And secondly, I got pregnant and that's why I ran away and didn't tell anyone. Hell even my mom and my sister don't know about her"
"I found out that I have a girl 's reproductive system witch means that I can get pregnant"
"Oh, I'm sorry that I assumed that you cheated" he says looking down
"Hey Niller it's okay"
"Wait does that means that she is a Larry baby!" He says jumping up and down
"Haz you have to come back with me I know that your scared but please it will make life easier and maybe Simon will let you come out. Oh and maybe he—"
"Yes, Ni I will come with you"
"Wow that was easy"
"Well I kinda wished that one day you guys will find me because I would of never had the courage to come back by myself. "
"Okay then let's go!"
I grabbed Liz's care seat, my phone, keys and wallet and when out of the house for the first time in a year and 4 moth.
During the car ride, me and Niall chat about everything that happened in the last year or so. At first it was awkward but then the tension was cut witch I was great full for. But the more we got closer to our destination the more I got more and more anxious. When we finally arrived I felt like I was going to past out anytime soon. Luckily Niall was there to confort me. I picked Liz up and we got out of the car and put her in her stroller.Then we started to head towards the familiar building. Honestly I didn't have any good memories in here. The reason I always came here was to get another beard or for a stupid meeting with the management witch was always about how me and him were to touchy or about me showing to much gayness. In conclusion I despise this building with all my heart. As we get inside, I heard people gasping. Of course , I mean what do you expect the famous Harry Styles is back , he was found! Oh and a bonus, he has a little girl with him! Omg he fucked a girl and got her pregnant! Please note my sarcasm. I thought we're cut by the sound of the elevator signalling that we have arrive. Wow I haven't realized we've made it this fare. Well I guess there is no turning back now.
"Hey, it will be fine mate I promise and I will be by your side no matter what "
I took and deep breath before nodding. Niall opens the door and the room fell in silence. Everyone is looking at me. Niall gave my head a little squeeze as we walk in. I look around the room, I saw Zayn, Liam and the management, I started to calm down until my eyes found him. When green meets blue every thing around me stop. I watch him as he get up, I stated to think that he's going to leave the room like always but instead, ran and jumped into my arms. Witch of course cough me off guard so I lost balance and just like that we ended on the floor and then the thing that shocked me the most was that the kissed me. He actually kissed me. My hole body felt like it was on fire, I really missed his touch. We pulled away when we're out of breath and we both got up. He looked pretty confused when he saw the stroller. But he just when back into his seat.
"So Harry care to explain why the fuck did you decided to run away just like that in the middle of the tour" Simon shouts
Great I've been hear for less than 10 minutes and he's already shouting at me.
"Well umm because of her " I say mentioning the stroller at the door
"So you chea—" Liam was cut short by Niall
"No Liam he didn't cheat!"
"So how did you end up with this baby"
"I Umm I k-kinda g-g-ot p-pregnant wi-th her "
"How" Louis said with a tone kinda hurt
"I have a girls reproductive system that how"
"Oh so what's her/his name " a guy from the management that I don't know his name asked
He was pretty nice but I always forgot his name
"Her name is Elizabeth Joanne"
"And family name , I mean she probably too yours but I still want to hear her full name" Simon said while smirking
"Her full name is Elizabeth Joanne T-Tomlinson "
The room felt in complete silence after I said her name. Zayn and Liam faces we're pale and shocked, Niall was grinding like an idiot and Louis was looking hurt and happy at the same time.
"W-why didn't you tell me Haz" he said while his voice cracked
"Because I didn't want you to go thru more shit because of the baby"
"So you decided to run away?" Zayn asked
"Does anybody knows about her?" Lou asked
"Yeah the doctor and the nurse who helped me gave birth to her"
The next thing I did was showing them the baby and let Louis hold her because after all, his her dad. The rest of the meeting when as smoothly as possible for a meeting except the shouts and insults Simon said.They decided that the baby will remain a secret of course but the good thing was that Louis could stop having a beard for a while to help me with our daughter. After the meeting, the lads gaves me a big groupe hug and said that they were glad that I'm back. Then I was left alone with Louis, who walked towards me after putting Liz in her stroller.
"I love you Harry so much more then you could ever know. And please don't worry about what's going to happen. So don't ever think about running away ever again" he says holding my hands and looking at me in the eyes
"I promise I will never run away again. To be honest it's kinda lonely anyways. And I love you too boo so so much"
And then we kissed. Maybe every thing will be okay after all.
Hey, I hope that you enjoyed this one shot!
I have a question for u guys, witch one shot will you like a part 2 next littles whites lies or fixing me won't fix us?
Please if you have a comment or a request tell me!

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