Twenty Questions Ending

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Announcement: Hi everyone! I hope you like the double update. I was originally going to update these chapters earlier, however, I have been dealing with medical issues. So I do not know when the next update will be.

(Alexander's POV)

So far, so good. Undoubtedly, I am enjoying the twenty questions with Mia. Unfortunately, I have utilized all my strikes. Altogether, I chose not to answer the two regrets, biggest compliant about my job, and my first celebrity crush questions. My answer for the biggest compliant about my job is that Mia is not working alongside me where I feel she can have a bigger impact and I can ensure she is not too stress out or overworked. Obviously, I know this answer would upset her and cause an argument, which I don't wish to happen at the moment . As for my first celebrity crush I did not wish to tell her it was her. While Mia believes the first time I ever saw her was on that first day of high school in English class, I saw her picture beforehand. She was in a picture on the front page with her parents at a charity gala. My father was reading it during family breakfast when I saw her picture and asked my father for his copy. For some strange reason I was just drawn to her and I believe it was fate that I was allowed into the private school for free that my mother worked at and she happens to attend that school and we shared a class together and were paired together. I still keep that newspaper in the vault in my office.

After laughing about him being her sexy, sexy, he asks her a serious question-What is your favorite memory with your mother? Since we have talked a little about your father?

Mia smiles-My favorite memory with my mother was when I was young. When my mother was in a good mood we would bake cupcakes together while dancing to this one song. Unfortunately, I cannot recall the name of the song now, but it did have a pleasant party beat to dance too. What about you?

He smiles-My favorite memory with my mother is when we played chivalry. Growing up, my mother stressed the importance of chivalry. She would have me be a knight or prince and she taught me how to properly treat a woman in role play. Once we were done for the day, if I met her standards she would let me choose what we would have as a feast. 

She smiles fondly-I can totally imagine that. Your mother is an exceptional woman and she raised a good man. Occasionally misguided with his approach, but good nevertheless.

Mia-What is on your bucket list?

He smirks-You already know the answer to that. Remember? Project Make Up For Lost  Time And Claim Mia Back Once And For All. I can recall you laughing at its code name of Project MUFLTACMBOAFA.

She laughs-I still believe that is a ridiculous name. Fine. For me, my bucket list for the near future is about the same. Find a person to settle down with and a couple years later have children. Hopefully before that I can travel for a little while.

He smirks-We are thinking along the same lines. Similar to Disney's Aladdin, I plan to show you the world. Furthermore, I already made a bucket list filled with places I wish to show you while I am courting you and before we have children. 

She frowns slightly-You are getting ahead of yourself here. Right now we are friends and potentially in the future to being more, but that is way off. I would not mind if an opportunity at the right time arose to having a friend/romantic partners trip in this country. Since I would only travel to places in the country with friends and even boyfriends. For other countries that is husband level territory. If we ever reach that stage where we travel somewhere together, hopefully I can contribute to the list of places we can go. 

He smirks-Well I already have faith in our future. Right now I am working on developing trust between us. As for pixie dust, I can always ask Nakimera since she is always looking for fairies in the garden.

She bursts out laughing-You are certainly embracing that Disney slogan. 

Alexander smirks-Well hopefully my dreams will come true if I embrace certain Disney principles. Let's move on. What element would you be: water, fire, earth, air, spirit? 

She laughs-Growing up, I did watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. Out of all the characters, Katara was my favorite. Like her I always had an affinity for water. For example, I would always create waves when playing with water when I was a child. What about you?

He smirks-I would assume my characteristics are more aligned with earth.

She smirks-So what is your worst personality characteristic?

He thinks deeply before answering-My protectiveness. Since I know out of all my personality traits that one is where I can go to extremes. Which can lead to me being controlling and possessive. While my heart is in the right place, I know my protective instincts occasionally lead me in the wrong direction, which I am working on.

She smiles-I am glad you acknowledge it. Particularly since that is one of the first steps for change. As for me, I am in a similar boat. While my personality trait of kindness is in the right place, it can have harsh consequences. Since unfortunately people exploit others for their own gain and I have a difficult time of letting toxic people go in fear of being mean. Similarly, I am trying to work on that.

Alexander-Last question. What is your favorite song?

Mia thinks deeply before saying-Pass.

In shock he says-That was supposed to be a simple question that I already have an idea of the answer. Due to the fact that I know you have only gone to three concerts. All of them Hunter Hayes. Consequently, I figured your favorite song would be one of his. 

Mia smiles-It is one of my answers. My favorite song of his is Invisible. However, I was torn between that song, Mean by Taylor Swift, or Bad Day by Daniel Powter. All of these songs I listen to when I had a horrible day at school after being bullied.

He smirks-Your pass still counts. Luckily that question signaled the conclusion of the game. As for my favorite song it is Forever by John Stamos, which was played in Full House. I always wanted to be like him. A man who has found redemption and his place in the world with a large loving family.

She smiles-That is sweet. 

Now that the game is over, they both notice how late it is getting. 

He turns to her and asks-Would you like to go to dinner with me after we check out? Since we both have work tomorrow?

Mia-I already informed my work that I am taking tomorrow off for a personal day. The students will be continuing to work on their projects that they started with Mr. Koller today. So tomorrow is an easy day for a substitute. Besides, I am still planning to check out tomorrow morning through. 

He smiles-That sounds good to me. Gives me more time with you. I can drive you back. Besides, it is easy for me to work remotely if need be. So can we go out to dinner together? My treat.

Mia smiles-Yes. I would like that.

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