Putting The Plan Into Motion

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Hi Everyone. I just want to thank you all for the over 75,000 reads. To show my appreciation I will be updating Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week after midnight. My birthday is next week Thursday and I will try to uphold the tradition of me updating either before or on my birthday.

(Alexander's POV)

After Philip left, I was in a state of fury due to his absolute gall in coming here, thanking me for saving his daughter's life, but yet still saying he cannot approve of me being with his daughter!

Furthermore, he comes in here and tells his story probably hoping that I will take his side and stop my pursuits with Mia. 

Instead, all he has accomplished is having me pity him. However, I still loathe him to my very core. At least this proves that Alexander the Great still has a smidgen of humanity he can show his enemies. 

Nevertheless, Philip Davis will rue the day he forced me to break up with Mia. As I told him, his day of reckoning is coming very soon. 

So soon in fact, that I am now making the phone call to put the plan into action. 

Dialing my phone, it rings for a few seconds before Dean picks up-Hello?

I respond-Dean, this is Alexander.

He responds-Hey man! How are you feeling? I cannot believe you jumped in front of the bullets! Do not worry, I have Wilson International handle until you are recovered.

I reply-Better than expected. The doctors have me on high pain killers so I am not exactly hurting, but very sore. I would do anything for Mia. However, I shouldn't have been put in that situation and I am going to make the people responsible pay dearly.

He says-I still cannot believe Thomas would betray you like that! I could understand Sarah betraying you like that, but Thomas never seemed the type. The power that women have over us. 

Angrily I say-I will ensure he pays for his betrayal. His betrayal hurt me the most because he did not seem the type and I trusted him. I should have gotten rid of her when she first hit on me. However, I gave her a second chance and kept my distance. I deeply regret that decision. Before the shooting, I gave Thomas a prep talk about women and told him he was worthy of an amazing woman who would care for him because of who he is not the size of his bank account. Even after everything I said, he still followed through on his plans. For that, he will face the full force of my wrath.

Steering the topic away, I say-Anyways that is not why I called you. However, it reminds me that I am now in need of a new assistant. Try to promote within the company. Ensure the candidates undergo a complete and extensive background check. 

He says-Already ahead of you. I have the perfect candidate. You know Kelly from marketing?

I respond-Yes. However, you know my assistants must be male.

He says-The person I have in mind is. Her brother is an executive assistant at Davis International. Apparently, he obtained the job due to a connection with his university professor. However, he is experiencing discrimination and harassment there according to his sister. Who asked me about the open position. I already ran the background check. He is highly regarded. His sister has been a successful employee for almost a decade. He hates Davis International and is looking to stay at a company with a positive and supportive working environment. He is gay and with a long-term romantic partner who is a teacher. 

I respond-How do I know he won't spy on us for them?

He replies-Because he has been subjected to harsh treatment by the vast majority of the company ever since he came out as gay. Once he committed to his partner, he decided to not hide anymore. Davis International almost fired him, but would have faced a lawsuit. Since then they have been trying to push him out. However, he is highly efficient at his job so they have not found a lawful reason to terminate him. So they are making the environment very unpleasant to where he would decide to quit. 

Taking a deep breath before saying-Alright. Inform him he has an interview at the beginning of the new year. If you are advocating for him, then I will give him a chance. He has family within the company and from the sounds of it will make a fine new addition. Especially since with what we are about to do, his position at the company will either undergo changes or be terminated.

I continue-Thus this brings me to why I am calling you. It is time to put the plan into action. 

Eagerly he says-THE PLAN.

Smirking I say-The plan. Step 9 will commence on the first of the new year. I know this will require you to work overtime to finish before the deadline. However, I only have about 2-3 years to make him pay. So I want to start as soon as possible. Every day counts.

Still eager he says-Do not worry about it. It is high time that they start to pay for what happened. I ensure we have the best drinks and popcorn to watch the show on that day.

Laughing I say-Trust me, I am having every video footage from that day saved and edited into a home movie. 

The both of us hanged up to start making the arrangements. Step 9 on Project MUFLTACMBOAFA is now underway with Dean starting the process of putting the plan into action. Now, I will focus on making arrangements for our exit from the hospital. Since I want out of Philip's domain as soon as possible.

Once I finished making the arrangements, Mia enters back into the room. Immediately upon entering she notices my angered state so she walks to my bedside and sits down. Offering comfort and support by stroking my cheek and grabbing my hand, before saying-What is wrong?

Before answering, I take a deep breath before saying-One of your conditions for getting back together was no secrets. So I will not hide this from you. While you were out of the room your father came to visit me.

Immediately, she stands up and shouts-HE WHAT!!!

Before I could finish explaining what happened, she angrily states-My father should not have been able to be here at the same time as me. Since I have a restraining order against him.

Now, I am the one offering her comfort as I draw her close before I respond-He informed me, that technically he is not breaking the restraining order as you are the one in one of his many places of work. As long as he is not in the same room as you, he is not breaking the order. 

She starts laughing, but it is a hollow laugh-Undoubtedly, he always finds the loopholes. I must have been fooling myself when I believed this situation was different. Honestly, I believe they would have respected my decision and stayed away. However, I should have expected this to happen. 

She takes a deep breath before saying-What did he want?

Calmly I informed her-To thank me for saving your life.

Obviously she was not expecting that as her face shows her surprise and she says-My father actually thanked you? 

Perking up she says-Does that mean that he finally approves of you?

Squeezing her hand for support before I let her down by saying-He actually thanked me. However, he also told me that he still does not approve of me. 

Before she could say anything, I attempted to mollify her worries by stating-Do not worry, when it comes time for me to ask your father for his blessing for your hand, I will receive it. Ultimately, I know how important it is for you to receive his blessing and for him to walk you down the aisle on your wedding day. So I am going to ensure that we will receive his blessing when the time comes.

Heartbreakingly she says-How will you achieve that? You literally jumped in front of a bullet for me and he still does not approve of you.

Smirking I say-Leave that to me. Trust me when the time comes he will be extremely enthusiastic for our joining. 

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