Clocks Begin Again

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Alexander's POV

After years of making plans he is finally all set to see Mia again and make up for the lost time. His plan of getting back into her life is to give scholarships and internships to students at Mia's work St. Ignatius College Prep and have her run the program. Consequently, as he is giving all this money he wishes to be directly involved. Moreover, he convinced the principal of the school Mrs. Clarissa Little to give Mia two classes a semester and Monday's devoted to traveling to his office and work on the project. He will definitely be working on a "project" alright. However, just not the school one. He will be working on Project Make Up For Lost Time And Claim Mia Back Once And For All. Project MUFLTACMBOAFA for short. 

Today was the day since Mrs. Little is joining Mia's department meeting before the school year began to inform her on her new role. He told Mrs. Little he wanted to come after the meeting started as to surprise Mia. Additionally, he asked to sit next to Mia in the meeting so he can observe her reactions and he could be near her since never again will he be too far from her.

After hearing the meeting start he heard Mrs. Little introduction for him.

Mrs. Little-Good afternoon. You might be wondering why I am here since the school already had the first beginning of the school year meeting. The reason I am here is that an incredibly famous alumni is offering to donate a large amount of money to the school and scholarships and internships to the students. Due to the fact that he is a diligent man who makes sure to care for his investments, he has asked to work with one of our staff on this project. After his research into all the staff here at the school, he has chosen one of you. I would have further explained the details, but he wanted to explain the project himself. So please help me in welcoming our guest Class of 2010 alumni and billionaire CEO Mr. Alexander Wilson!

Walking in Alexander laughed a little at Mia's reaction of him. Due to the fact that her face was one full of shock, which quickly shifted to anger as he sat next to her, which Alexander thought was so adorable. At the moment she resembled an angry kitten, even through Mia was his little mouse. He just smirked at her. Satisfied knowing what was to come.

Alexander stared at Mia for a minute or so lost in her beauty and innocence. The years were tremendously kind to her and somehow in the time they have been separated she increasingly became more beautiful. After that time he opened his mouth so he can finally put Project MUFLTACMBOAFA into action.

Alexander-Hello. Some of you may have known me as a student, but for the rest of you, as Mrs. Little has stated, my name is Alexander Wilson. As a St. Ignatius College Prep alumni I recognize how outstanding and important this school is in transforming young people into successful adults. After making my billion dollar empire I wanted to give back. Upon reflecting, I immediately knew I needed to start where it all began. Undoubtedly, this is the place that gave me the tools and motivation to become the man I am today.

(In his head)-Mia, you are the tools and motivation that transformed me into the man I am today. I did it all for you. Now I will show you.

Alexander-I plan to with the help of your colleague and principal to create scholarships available to your students so they can reach their dreams as I have mine. On top of that, I am also offering internships for the highest ranking students in my companies. 

Alexander continues with his speech-I need a teacher who is highly regarded and who can truly fathom the needs of her students to help me with my goal. That teacher is Ms. Davis. Unquestionably, after having been in the same classes as her while attending here I knew she was just the right person for the job.

(In his head)- Yes, the right person for the job. The job as my wife. Unquestionably, she is the right person for me. 

During the entire time he spoke, he was looking at Mia. Remarkably, she kept the same reaction throughout his speech through he noticed her hands shaking. What he wouldn't give to be able to grab her hand and reassure her that it was all alright. Unfortunately, he could not fulfill that urge at the moment, but he was truly looking forward to apologizing and turning back the clocks and beginning their relationship again to where he can comfort her.

Before Mia can speak and he could easily detect from looking at her, she was intending to refuse the job as if he would let her Mrs. Little opened her mouth to speak.

Mrs. Little-Congratulations Mia! When he told me who he has chosen I could not have thought of a fitter person myself to represent the school.

(In his head)-Ha! Thank you Mrs. Little. Try backing out now Mia with that speech. Thinking around those same thought he had, Mia opened her mouth to speak.

Mia in a nice tone, but you can hear the anger-Thank you Mrs. Little for your kind words. It will be an honor for me to be able to represent the school in this matter. However, I am just afraid this project will be too much for me with my teaching duties which I cannot be allowed to neglect.

(In his head)-Nice try love. Already thought of that. Nothing will stop me from getting you back and hanging out with you. Soon you will not even have this job. You will be at your full time one. Being my wife and the mother of our future children.

Mrs. Little in response to Mia-Mr. Wilson and I have thought about that. The both of us have decided to give you less classes this year. Instead of teaching five, you will be teaching two. Also, every Monday one of your colleagues will cover your classes, so you can travel to Wilson International and discuss the project with Mr. Wilson.

(In his head)-Take what you can get love. I am letting you have your career for now, but in a few years that will stop. Due to the fact that I make more than enough to support us and give you everything you have ever dreamed. Also, with this plan I am making sure you are not dealing with the stress of work. Since the only job you must concern yourself with dealing with is me and our future children.

After staring at Mia for a few more minutes he knew it was time to leave. Before he left through he wanted Mia to hear his hidden message.

Alexander-Mia, I am extremely looking forward to working "one-on-one" with you. Before I leave all of you to your meeting I ask you to come to Wilson International at 8 in the morning to speak further about all the details.

Mia with a look of defeat said-Okay.

With a spring in his step, Alexander gets up and walks out of the room. Monday will certainly be interesting. The clocks have begun again on their relationship and never will they stop again.

(Next chapter is Mia's reaction to this conversation. The chapter following is the Monday morning meeting)

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