Twenty Questions

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After he finishes saying those words, Alexander releases her from the handcuffs. Both just stare at each other for a minute, before Alexander claps his hands and says-Now, I think it is time to truly reacquaint ourselves with each other in order to be true friends again instead of just colleagues or acquaintances.

Curious to what he is thinking she asks-How do we do that?

Alexander smiles-The best way I know how: Twenty Questions.

(Mia's POV)

She laughs at his suggestion and says-Twenty Questions? Really, I am surprised that is what you came up with. Particularly, since we played this game years ago, and probably a majority of the answers will be the same.

Without missing a beat, Alexander came up with this reply-Its been seven years since we truly hung out. Obviously, the answers will be different as we grow from eighteen to twenty-five in the seven years with new experiences and opportunities. Besides, if the answer is still the same, the person can ask a different question.

Thinking quickly on her feet, she smirks and says-Fine, I am down for playing your game. However, I wish to add a couple of my own stipulations.

Alexander intrigued on what stipulations she will add says-Please, enlighten me.

(In her head)-I hope this will not backfire on me.

Out loud she says-After the person answering your question is finished, you must answer your own question. Also, each person can have three strikes allowing them not to answer the question before they must answer.

Considering the potential opportunities and potential repercussions with her stipulations, Alexander replies-That seems fair and will add a little thrill to the game. Talking about fair...

Alexander reaches his hand out and says-My fair lady, would you accompany me on a stroll of these grounds while we reacquaint ourselves with each other again?

Feeling playful, she laughs and grabs his hand-Why, thank you, sir. I will be delighted to join you on a stroll of the grounds.

The both of them exit her cabin and start walking around Starved Rock.

Walking hand and hand while observing the scenery, Mia laughs and says-This reminds me of before. Whenever I had a terrible day, you would come and bow resembling a Victorian gentleman and offer me your hand for a stroll.

Reflecting on those times, Alexander laughs and says-I remember those times fondly too. Furthermore, I knew that you needed to be courted properly since you were a romantic, history, book-loving nerd. Notwithstanding, I knew both our lives were extremely chaotic and hectic that it was liberating to just have a break from that and relish in nature and each other.

Alexander smirks-Enough of the pass for now. Time for twenty questions. As my mother taught me to be a gentleman, ladies first.

Mia smirks-What was your ultimate ludicrous college experience?

Alexander extremely laughing after hearing her question-Out of all the questions you could have asked me first, you ask me what my ultimate ludicrous college experience was!

Mia in anger-I already am aware of everything essential about you pre-college and I am a familiar with a little portion about you post-college since your a famous figure in the business world that conducts interviews and is in the public eye. Overall, your time in college is the only time period where I have no knowledge.

Alexander smirks-Did I hear you correctly? That you read my interviews?

She blushes-Only when there is nothing else to read at doctor offices.

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