Small introduction

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Hi, i just wanted to give you all a small introduction to my story to make everything super easy to understand and hopefully you guys will like it. 


- Millie Tucker: she is a 17 year old girl ,soon to be 18, she is innocent and extremly kind and gentle to all, she has an unhappy life while living in the orphanage. 

- Cameron Sanchez: a 24 year old gang leader in colombia. Cold hearted and notorious for being violent until he meets Millie. 

- Karly: Millie's friend from the orphanage

- Joe: Millie's boss from the coffee shop loves her like a daughter, extremly warm and loving. 

- Diego: Cameron's life long friend, right hand man from the gang. 

Millie is a beautiful girl, that is very insecure about her weight as well as her looks as a result of the trauma she went though during her time at the orphanage. She is very shy. Will Cameron be able to make her see herself in a diffrent light?

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