"No problem beautiful"

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Millie Tucker's POV

Walking around in my small and cramped orphanage made me miserable. 

As a 17 year old girl, a couple weeks away from turning 18 it was understandable that not many families were interested in adopting me. My bedroom was on the second floor of a three story building. Below me where the 'caregivers', of sorts and the small children below the age of 6. The third floor was home to the worst age groups, the 7 to 13 year olds. Those who belived they were older then they were. On my floor, the second floor was those that were considered too old to be in the orphanage, luckily we didnt spend too much time in this place as the caregivers, John and Lisa Mulders, wanted to earn a little more cash and would send us to work 6 days out of the week in a small coffee shop downtown. This only comprised of me: Millie Tucker, and Karly my best friend who had just turned 16. 

When Karly and i were little we had made a plan. When i turned 18 andhad enough money to live somewhere else, she would move in with me and we would be free from the Mulders.

It was 7 am, Karly and i had the first couple of shifts at the small cosey restaurant about a 30 minute walk from the house. My alarm clock shreeked letting me know that my lonely and miserable day had begun. Brushing my long light brown hair i made my way over to Karly's bedroom to wake her up. "Karly, its 7, let's move it", I heared nothing. I tried again "Karly for real, we're gonna be late, please". Becoming frustrated I opened the door. She wasn't in bed, I took a quick glance around her room. Her bed had been slept in however she wasn't in her room. "Karly!" Suddenly, i heared a groan from the bathroom at the top of the stairs. I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door hearing a second groan, only this time it was louder. "Karly are you in there?" Slowly creeking the door open, i was faced with a hunched over Karly over the toilet, she looked extremly pale, almost green. I rushed to her and kneeled down beside her "oh my gosh, Karly what's wrong?", a couple of long seconds later , she lifted her hair to look me in the eyes only to vomit the little content of her stomach straight into the toilet bowl. Whislt the other children in the orphanage, we're well fed, Karly and i were not. John and lisa, didn't see the need to waste food on us, if we were too old to be adolpted. It was only important for the other children to seem healthy. 

"How sick do you feel Karly", she only grumbled and shook her head lightly. I was sad for her, as she didnt feel well. However i was more disapointed as i would have to cover my busy shift as well as hers by myself. "Ok, go back to bed honey, im going to bring you a bassin as some pills" i said with a small smile. I quickly tiptoed down stairs, as quietly as i could so that i would not be punished by Lisa, the crulest out of the two. 

Happy with how silently i desended the stairs, i grabbed the 2 pills from the cabinet and a bucket that Karly would be able to lay in bed and not have to run uo the stairs to reach the toilets when she felt the need to be sick. I also managed to make her a cup of tea with some lemon juice. Walking up the stairs, careful not to spill any of the tea and burn myself, as i didnt need any more scars on my skin then my caregivers had already given me. 

As i lay all the objects on her bedside table, and kissed her forehead goodnight, i made my way downstairs for the second time. As i did so, i passed my bathroom mirror, and looked at myself. My long brown hair appeared dull and dry, my skin was paler then usual, as we were given less and less food as the years went by. My collar bone was prominent, the bags under my eyes were obvious, but most of all the scars on the back on my legs were bright red, as a few days earlier Lisa had decided to whip me with her belt, for taking John's attention away from her and onto me. 


"You fat whore!, don't wear shorts in front of my husband" she shreeked as John continued to stair at my ass in a creepy and lustful way.

"Im so so sorry Lisa, its just that its 31C degrees today and my room has no air conditioning" "Stop your excuses she yelled as she whipped me with the belt she had removed from the buckles of her jeans.

End of Flashback.

I power walked as fast as i could to the small coffee shop that was beloved by most of the people in this side of the city. It was always overflowing with hungry customers. When i arrived i was 2 minutes late, but Joe, the manager was like a father to me and he understood the difficult situation i was in, and would make sure i would eat the leftovers when he 'accidently' made too many pastries. 

"Hi Joe, sorry im late, Karly was sick so she won't be coming in today, so im going to be covering her shift.", "i hope she gets better sweatheart, send her my love, have you eaten today?". "I'm sorry Joe, i didnt have the time" i said apoligetically. Before finishing my sentence, Joe was already walking out with 2 delicious pastries freshly baked from the oven, as if he already knew my answer. 

I giggled, "Thanks joe" i said with a smile. After i finished my 2 croissants, i put on my apron and began to take orders from my usual customers. As i finished writting down Mr Demor's order, a lovely regular costumer from down the street who always orders an extra pastry for his labrador, the bell from the front door dinged.

"I'll be right with you" i said absentmindedly as i turned to the counter to place Mr Demors order. "No problem beautiful" said a deep honey like voice. 

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