We walk deeper into the temple facing a tall statue. "This is a depiction of what they could of looked like, towering over the tallest of Fae, with their pointed ears and narrow faces. Eyes made of starlight. It is said that they don't have a gender and Elves are only reborn once every 100,000 years. Apparently, in a crater that was created from a meteor hitting the land all on a day of an eclipse too. They call that birthing Prociden."

Sebastian turns to me and seeing my frown he says. "I know, it is pretty rare for all those events to take place on the same day. That's why there hasn't been any new Elves recorded since the original six."

So much information and words like; eclipse and meteor or crater, that I don't understand or can't make sense of. There are too many questions to ask that I can't pick one. How have I not heard more about these creatures from Elyse? Maybe she didn't want to because she didn't know much about them. Or go through the trouble of explaining everything to me.

I follow him to the other side where statues stand. Six to be exact. Each of these statues have a metal plate set at the bottom by their feet with some words written on it. I crouch down to the one in the middle to get a better look even though I can't read.

"That's Yhazeal. God of the sun, or Divine Light. Fae believed that he was the most powerful out of the original six divine. There's Gahni, Divine Air, Azhan, Divine Earth. Delzion Divine Water, Fretham, Divine Fire and last but not least Shilzere, Divine Dark or Darkness. Their elements are opposites of each other creating a balance, always opposing and that's where the classes of magic come from. Light and dark magic, and then the four elemental magics, fire, water, earth and air which have their own subclasses. Blah blah blah." He says waving a hand in the air and smiles when our eyes meet and I can't help but smile back.

It sounds like there is a lot more to be told but Sebastian seems uninterested in telling me. I wish he would. It probably would take him years to explain everything to me though.

"Sounds... interesting." I say rocking on my feet as I look at the ceiling above me. There are more pictures painted into the stone showing the Divine floating among the clouds and I wonder if that is where they dwell. Has anyone ever met these beings?

"Yes." He chuckles. "That's just the leaf of the tree though. There is much more history and stories about the Fae and the Divine then later on, of course, the humans when they came into existence."

More history and stories that I don't know about, that will probably take years to understand. Each day I learn more about this world but that also brings on more questions. How could have I gone this long not knowing what is around me, what has happened. Just like a tree has many leafs so does the history of this world. And I have only caught a few of those leafs.

I walk alongside the standing statues gazing at each one and sigh. "There is much yet I have to learn about this world..." I look down. "I've missed so much of it."

"Yes, you did have a high interest in history class the other day. You should venture to the city's library when you have the time. There are many passages that will shine light on any subject you wish to learn or even this temple."

Elyse told me of libraries where they contain books full of scribbles that I don't understand. There would be no way to read them unless someone taught me. I shake my head. "It's useless."

Sebastian frowns leaning on a column then puts his hands in his pockets waiting for me to answer.

"I was never taught how to read or write." I tell him, looking into his eyes.

He sucks in air through his teeth. "That's a shame..." He pushes off from the column rubbing on his chin. "Maybe I could arrange a tutor or something for you, so you can partake in lessons. Not college level of course but there may be some hope for you."

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