~21~ The Wish And The Fulfillment ✔️

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"I'm so done," Mia grumbled from behind me, her voice dripping with frustration.

"See you tomorrow, Georgiana," I replied, swiftly gathering my things.

"Bye, Georgiana," Mia said as she signed out, her tone slightly distant.

"Phew, I'm glad you two patched things up. Don't give me that look. I saw what went down yesterday," I interjected.

"Uh, yeah," I muttered, my curiosity piqued. "How much did you actually see?"

"Apparently, you two aren't exactly on friendly terms," Georgiana stated flatly.

"I see." I nodded in affirmation.

"Time is slipping away, Raquel," Mia chimed in, urging us to move.

"Let's go. Catch you later, Gina," we exited the building in a rush.

"These people drive me crazy. It's not fair that they can keep us past our shift's end whenever they please," Mia grumbled.

"I get it, but at the end of the day, we're the ones relying on this job for our income, not them," I reasoned.

"But they can't deny they need our services too," Mia argued.

"Do you realize how many people are eager to snatch your position as a waitress?" I countered.

"Whatever," Mia dismissed with a wave of her hand, a mix of resignation and frustration etched on her face.

"Which shift do you have tomorrow?" I inquired curiously.

"I've got the morning shift. Why do you ask?" she responded.

"I'm meeting Adrian before my afternoon shift," I revealed, a hint of excitement in my voice.

"Ah, that guy. There's this inexplicable connection I feel with him, like we've been intertwined throughout eternity. Have you noticed the shade of his eyes?" she pondered.

"Yeah, they're blue. Just like yours," I confirmed, a touch of intrigue coloring my words.

"Exactly! There's something about it, something mysterious that keeps me wondering," she mused, hailing a passing cab.

"He's definitely an enigma. One minute he's all charming and amiable, and the next he's filled with audacity and anger," I remarked, sliding into the seat beside Mia and closing the door.

"Perhaps not being able to meet his presumed deceased sister has taken a toll on him," I suggested.

"For the millionth time, Mia, we can't be certain his sister is dead," I emphasized.

"True, but there's still a possibility, right? Duh," she retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Which is all the more reason to help him find her. If she truly is out there, her soul will finally find solace knowing that her family never stopped searching," I concluded, determined to assist in this mysterious quest.

"And don't you think her soul is resting in peace al—" Mia began to say, but my urgent interruption halted her words.

"Stop, Mia. Don—" I started to respond, but before I could finish, a deafening bang echoed through the air, followed by the screeching of tires. In an instant, our car was struck from the side by another vehicle. The world around me became a chaotic blur, and the only thought that consumed my mind was Mia's safety.

As I regained some semblance of focus, I noticed a stream of crimson liquid trickling down my arm. Whose blood was it? I reached up and gingerly touched my forehead, feeling a small cut, but the flow of blood did not match the injury. I raised my head, and my heart sank as I beheld Mia, unconscious in her seat, her head resting against the shattered window. Blood gushed from a sizable gash on her temple. It was then that I realized the impact had struck our car directly on her side.

SERENDIPITY Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora