~13~ Job Hunting And The Old Man ✔️

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With Ethan's helping hand graciously lugging my grandparents' cumbersome suitcases, we transported our entire load to the brand-new apartment nestled on the lofty eleventh floor. Stepping inside what Ethan whimsically referred to as an "elevator," we whisked away in mere minutes. Boy, oh boy! Scaling those staircases would have undoubtedly ushered my elderly kinfolk into an untimely demise.

Once the elevator deposited us, we set foot onto a corridor floor lavishly cushioned in velvety maroon wool, a hue so rich it whispered opulence beneath our soles. On either side, the walls donned a soothing beige, resembling a sun-kissed canvas ready to embrace our journey. The doors, resplendent in a sandy hue, boasted doorknobs and metallic accents embellished with a gleaming coat of gold. Astonishingly, instead of employing a traditional key, Ethan opted for an enigmatic password, unlocking our path to paradise.

Crossing the threshold into our new home, we discovered an artistic tapestry of black and white. While the colors may have seemed conventional, almost mundane, there was an undeniable charm woven into every nook and cranny.

The process of settling in proved rather effortless, given that my modest little family didn't possess an abundance of belongings. With the day's tasks accomplished, we found ourselves gathered around the petite dining table, positioned at the heart of our cozy kitchen. Our plates were adorned with Mia's delectable pasta, a culinary masterpiece she had lovingly prepared in advance.

"Now, what's next?" Grandma inquired, her gaze shifting between Mia and me.

"What do you mean, Grandma?" Mia responded, her words momentarily interrupted by a mouthful of pasta substantial enough to satiate a small army of famished street urchins.

"We can't rely on Ethan indefinitely, my dear."

"We understand, Grandma," Mia affirmed. "Tomorrow, we'll start looking for a job"

"Ah, Mia bear, easier said than done," chimed in Grandpa with a wry smile. His wisdom always found a way to sneak into our conversations. "The two of you may not be well-versed in the art of city living, and let me tell you, it's no walk in the park. Brace yourselves."

It had always puzzled me why Grandpa insisted on calling me Ella, a nickname that seemed to have no connection to my real name, Raquel. As I grew older, I started connecting the dots, wondering if 'Ella' derived from the last two letters of my name. Or perhaps it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

"We've considered the challenges, Grandpa, but we're determined to give it a shot. What harm can it do, right?" I spoke up, Mia eagerly nodding in agreement beside me.

Grandpa sighed, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and fondness. "Well, my dear grandchildren, I wish you nothing but the best."

"Thank you, Grandpa," we replied in unison, feeling a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support.


Mia spoke with a mouthful of cornflakes, "Alright, here we go, day one of the job hunt. Wish us luck, Grannies!"

"Good luck, you two!" Grandpa's voice echoed from the hallway.

Grandma chimed in, emphasizing the importance of the magic words, "Good luck, girls. Remember the magic words."

"Got it. Mia, let's get moving," I said, giving her a disapproving look, then headed towards the door. "Miaaa!" I called out.

She replied with a shout, "I'm coming!" before finally making her appearance. "Ready. Let's hit the road."


After an entire week of relentless job hunting, our endeavors have come to a fruitless end. Absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. At this moment, we find ourselves seated at a quaint coffee shop, accompanied by Ethan, whose demeanor appears tinged with melancholy this morning.

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