~12~ Ethan Grayson And New Beginning ✔️

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We picked my grandparents from their old house – or should I say ancestral home – and continued the journey to the city.

A gentle squeeze interrupted my thoughts, and I glanced at Mia, my gaze filled with inquiry. Would this woman ever mature? A tap on the shoulder or a simple call for attention would have sufficed, but she opted for a series of pinches instead. "What is it?" I inquired, feeling a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

Her voice carried a pensive tone as she began, "I've been contemplating..."

"Mmmhmm. Please, go on," I encouraged, trying to mask my exasperation.

"Joanna, she's expecting, isn't she?"

"If I recall correctly, there was no water clogging your ears when I first shared that news," I retorted, rolling my eyes playfully. Leaning against the car window, I peered outside, fixating on the enchanting tapestry of trees and rolling hills that danced past us. Mother Nature's exquisite beauty never failed to captivate me.

"Oh, come on. You're aware she mentioned being two months along, right?" Mia interjected, a hint of frustration in her voice.

I sighed, preparing to respond, but she swiftly halted me. "Wait, don't answer. It was a rhetorical question. Perhaps delving deeper into the realm of literature during our schooling days would have been beneficial," she deadpanned. "To proceed, you mentioned she relied on a test kit. From my limited understanding of such matters, those kits don't determine the precise number of months of pregnancy, do they? Don't bother answering that. So, I've been contemplating the possibility of her deceiving us, and perhaps the child may not actually belong to Daniel," she suggested.

"Mia, that's enough, okay? Whether she's pregnant or not, whether the child is Daniel's or not, it's simply not my concern anymore. He can choose to indulge with all the girls in Iris Valley for all I care. Just so you're aware, that chapter of my life has been firmly closed." I spoke with conviction, my words laced with a mix of determination and indifference.

A warm surge of affection enveloped me as Mia gushed, pulling me into a side hug. "That's my girl," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with admiration. "You truly are my mentor, you know that?" she asked, her eyes searching for affirmation.

"Haha, I recall you used to idolize Miss Anna whenever we crossed paths in our younger days," I chuckled.

"Ew, that was a different era. It wasn't until I discovered her true nature, the witch that she was. She fell far from the motherly figure I once imagined her to be," Mia's voice tinged with melancholy, a pang striking my heart. Mia's family, or rather the lack thereof, was a sensitive topic for her—a topic that stirred more emotions in her than in me. Unlike her, who spent her childhood with strangers who found her wrapped in a worn-out blanket and left at their doorstep, I had the fortune of spending my early years with my mother and the rest with my grandparents.

"Don't worry, Mia. Grandpa, Grandma, and I are here for you," I reassured her, hoping to offer solace in the face of her past pains.

"Aww, won't you include me? I feel so wounded," Ethan chimed in, his hand dramatically clutching his heart to accentuate his jest.

"Of course, Ethan, you're included," I assured him, a smile tugging at my lips.

"As content as I'll ever be," he replied, flashing a charming smile and winking in a way that only he could.

"By the way, have you informed your uncle about our impending arrival?" I inquired, curiosity piqued.

"Don't fret about Uncle Maverick. He's hardly ever home," Mia reassured me. "And to address your query, yes, he's well aware and has arranged a cozy apartment for all of us. So, no need to worry."

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