28-An Arduous Journey

Start from the beginning


As we hiked our third mountain, both of us bleeding from the cuts and falls that we endured, we could see a ginormous tower that peaked at the neon-green moon.

It looked 5 stories high. Each chamber being cut off by a huge ruby balcony. The tower was purple and had green slathered in the middle. It looked unsettling.

"So that's where we have to go." Said I, as I slowly rose up, from my kneeling position.
Kai suddenly pulled me back.

"No. Look over there." He whispered, pointing at the sky. Surrounding the tower was creatures that resembled Methaya. They were gorgons. Having snakes for hair, a long tail and bat-like wings; They soared through the sky. There had to be, at least four of them.

"Oh- My. How are we going to get past them?"

"Powers?" Offered Kai, nervously.

I looked at him dead on. "Kai. I can't control them. Not yet anyway. Only you, Lexi and Jess are able to." I frowned. It was quite embarrassing really. I was the oldest, yet me and Stiles were unable to control them. Me with Stiles. Really?

"We could sneak around. We have to go there. It has to be this place." Declared Kai adamantly

"What makes you so sure?" I asked.

"Just look at it. It screams Methaya. All I know is that it won't be easy getting to the top."
Kai looked at the sky, where the tip of the tower stood. The eery moon was exactly above it, shooting its jade light like a laser.
"It just has to be."

I tried thinking to myself, yet my thoughts were spinning like a disk, clashing with each other.
"Fine lets go." Said I, as I started climbing down the Rocky Mountain.

"Wait it'll take too long." He added, peering at the huge drop.

"Do you have any better idea?" Snapped I, sarcastically.

Kai flicked his hand again and two streams of water appeared, squirting from the mountain. The water was transparent and it curved right at the bottom, like a huge slide.
"So you expect us to, what?? Swim down?"

At that moment Kai, sprinted in a run and dived from the mountain, arms out. He landed on the floating water, which carried him like current, graciously. Spinning and laughing; He landed at the bottom at a halt. He turned back to face me. A grin spread out on his face. "Your turn."

"What happened to being sneaky." Shouted I. I looked at the Gorgons, who were miles away and didn't notice us. I was scared going down the water. It flowed through air. It wasn't normal. Neither were we. As I looked at the edge, the distance between the ground and myself was sizeable. My body shaking, I softly pushed my self off the cliff, giving in to the mistress herself. I felt myself moving slowly. It was like my ass was skimming a jelly-substance, that wasn't sticky. I was on a mattress that wasn't solid. My eyes were clenched shut and I could hear cries of encouragement from Kai.

Abruptly, I was sent shooting down the mirage, and I tumbled as I reached the bottom. Catching my breath, I looked at Kai who was smiling intently.

"Well that wasn't too bad. Was it?" He stated, laughingly. I flicked his head as he started stepping backwards.

"For you!" I yelled, shoving his arm. Rolling my eyes, I glanced at the rocky path above us.
Stone debris was everywhere. It was hard knowing that, this could be human beings that we're trudging over. Methaya did this. Carol did this. I could feel my ambition sparking, parallel to the hatred that was boiling inside of me.

Kai and I were walking towards the huge tower. Attempting to be discreet, yet fast. Communicating with hushed whispers. We gained distance and we were extremely close looking for an entrance.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now