8-An Ordinary Morning

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My eyes beamed open and I silently grovelled against the cold bed, sheltering inside the blanket.
Fuck I hate dreams.

I was motionless. Too scared to even swallow. I couldn't remove the blanket, as I didn't know whether I was still dreaming.

I heard footsteps and the door swung open.
My blanket was yanked off. Kai stood there, with his lips pursed and his eyes narrowed.

"Come on. Get up." Grumbled Kai.

"Why? It's Sunday." I whined, as my head plummeted against the pillow.

"It's Wednesday. You nob." Said Kai, as he pulled on my arm, attempting to push me off.

I scoffed and tried scavenging the blanket, that was on the ground.

"No!" Said Kai sharply, as he tugged on the other end.

"Give it." I yelled. My voice cracking, ever so slightly.

"Let go." Muttered Kai, grasping it with both of his hands.


"No you." Whispered Kai, through his gritted teeth.

"Fine." I smirked, as I rapidly let go. Kai, oblivious, resumed heaving it, causing him to fall backwards.
I waved my hands jeeringly, as I got to my feet and stepped over his body.

I went to the bathroom and stripped, ready to have a shower. I stepped into it and turned the faucet on, initiating water to pour over me.

It was hypnotising, as the warm water slithered down my back. Mhm.
I started scrubbing. Okay. The water's a little hot.

I shook my head and started brushing my teeth.
"Ow!" I yelled, as the boiling water scalded my skin. I immediately turned it to the other side, refreshing in the coolness. I hate when that happens.

I moved to my hair, applying conditioner. Lathering it, it flopped backwards.
All finished. I thought to myself, as I pulled the glass door.

It didn't open though and appeared stuck. I pulled it again, using all my strength. Water was now drenching over me and I could feel it getting colder.

I banged on the glass. "Help!"

The water was now freezing and my body shivered, as I pleaded for help. The third smack, I toppled out of the shower and my head banged the ground of the bathroom floor.
Regaining my breath, I stood to my feet and observed it. Well now I'm wide awake.

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. I eyed it cautiously and walked out.
I got dressed and went downstairs.

It was an ordinary morning.
Stiles was benched on the couch, staring at the TV, with a plate of pancakes on his lap.
Jess was beside him, staring at her phone.
She was probably researching something.

I walked past them and into the kitchen. It was one of the biggest rooms in the house. Lexi was slumped on the dining table, leaning on her crossed arms. Whereas Kai was by the stove.

"Hey." I said cooly before, sitting next to Lexi.

She looked up, revealing the clear eye bags under her eyes.

"Uhhh-mm." I stuttered, from loss of words. Lexi was always the best dressed. Matter of fact, she would nag on us, to be better.

I remember once. Years ago. Stiles came home, from shopping with Carol and had brought sandals. They were beige and had little tassels along the strips.
Carol used to take us each shopping twice a year(granted, she lets us splurge and buy a lot.) It's the best day of the year.
The only day where we can see other humans.
There were only a few but it was amazing.
We normally rotated. Oldest to youngest.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant