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Leverin, he was warm against me. I felt protected, safe and just over all happy. But at the same time I felt so confused and that confusion began to overwhelm everything else.

I pulled back and my head flopped back down on my thick pillow. Leverin looked surprised for a moment with a mixture of hurt. " D-did I just." Leverin's face quickly turned into a smirk he could tell I was just surprised. He nodded. " And you." I said still stuttering. He smiled and nodded again his shoulder length golden hair slid forward over his collar bone.

" It must have been my good looks, you couldn't resist me." Leverin teased with a cheeky smile. I let out a sharp bark of loud laughter. " Sure thats it."

Leverins face turned serious again, a crease forming between his brow. " I waited by your bed for you to wake up." He said quietly and pained time to his voice, I could tell he had been worried. I blinked unsure of what to say. He had caught me off guard. " How long was I out?" I questioned. " Three days." Leverin responded quickly as if he had been counting the minutes. " Three days." I whispered. " What did I miss?" I said changing my mind to what was important. I was not ready to accept or think about what just happened and I definitely did not have the time in all this chaos to pursue a relationship.

Leverin chuckled. " Your quite a funny thing." He had noticed my sudden change but had obviously decided to drop it. He sighed. " Gandalf and Pippen have left for Rohan. They wanted to say goodbye to you but they were running out of time." His usually smirky face turned grim. " We are all running out of time." His voice carried a dark ring to it. A shiver ran down my spine. He muttered. " That bad?" I asked. He nodded. " Even if Rohan rides to Gondors aid we still lack in numbers." He said a furrow forming in his brow. " What about us? Having a pair of dragons there should be a big help." Leverin stayed silent. Beside his leg his tan skinned hand clenched and I could see the veins. " Leverin?" I questioned. He let out a breath and averted his eyes from me, he was struggling to tell me something.

His brilliant gold eyes met mine, I saw intense emotions swimming in them. " Anastasia, I want you to stay here" The words hit me like a wall of bricks. At first I was surprised and shocked but then I felt a burst of fierce anger. " Stay! Stay? You ask me to stay and let others die in my place! Let you and the others go without me and wait to see if you live. I can fight just as well as you can! You know that!" My voice near the end started to sound hysteric.

Leverin sat back on the bed. He looked down again. Silence filled the large room. I stared at him. " Say something darn it!" I said after over a minute of silence. Leverin's hand shot out and grabbed mine, his grip tight but not uncomfortably so. It was like if he let go he thought I was going to float away.

" I'm sorry." He said softly. " I-I..." He stopped. " Its hard for me to admit, but I am scared. I'm scared for you! I don't want you to get hurt. I know it was wrong to ask that of you but I just had to." He gasped, he had spoken so quickly that he had all but run out of air.

My brow furrowed, unsure of what to say. I let out a sigh. " I know." I squeezed his hand. " I just need you to know that I can take care of myself." Leverin nodded.

There was a sharp knock at the doorway, Fallen stood in it, her hair long hair seemed to have faint shining reddish brown streaks in the bright natural lighting of the room. " Leverin you are needed." Leverin glanced at me with a regretful look in his eyes.

" I will see you later." He smiled and left the room with Fallen. Fallen gave one final look back at me and gave me an apologetic smile.

The moment they left I reached out with my mind feeling for the familiar feeling of Legolas. I'm back! The words called out through the bridge of our minds. I felt Legolas'a surprise. Where are you? I asked.


That is a really short chapter and it has been a long time. Sorry but I haven't been on WattPad much, I will try to get the next one out as soon as possible. It will probably be out by the end of this week considering this week is spring break.

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