We Ride For Gondor

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I quickly dressed myself in the light white dress that I had received from the people of Rohan, with the slowly widening white frilly sleeves and v-neck collar. I slipped on a pair of beige slippers and brushed out my long back hair leaving it down for once. It cascaded down to my waste in long black locks with a slight wave from all the time in a tight braid.

I slipped quietly out of my room through the groaning wooden door hoping that nobody would hear me and stop me because I was 'unfit to be moving around.' Or some other silly little thing. Human healers annoyed me, they always were telling me I was in bad condition when I felt perfectly fine.

The long stone hallway was silent and empty, devoid of any light other than the torches that lined the walls.

I hurried down the hallway my feet emitting muffled tapping sounds as I walked. The cold of the floor reaching up through the slippers and sinking its claws into my feet as I walked. My mind wandered to the conversation with Leverin as I went. If not even having two dragons could save us what terrible darkness did we face. Where had Sauron gotten this army that even Gondor, the white city, was in danger of falling.

I turned down another hallway, straining to remember the directions that Legolas had given me to get outside to the stables where he, Aragorn and Gimli were supposedly waiting.

I saw natural light leaking in from a narrow side door. The one Legolas had directed me to. I pushed it open and saw my hand. When had I became a so malnourished and pale. As if the time traveling with the fellowship had slowly been draining all the colour from me. I could see my veins residing just below my skin. Like brilliant blue vines twisting from my hands and up my arms. I had to admit that I had noticed this before a few times that I had been getting paler and paler. My hair seeming darker in contrast.

I pushed the door open and was met with a blast of light. I hissed as it burned my eyes which had been in a dim room for days. My eyes narrowed to slits I grumbled as I wandered along the dirt path to the stables.

The stables rose up a ways away from me, casting a large shadow in the early morning sun coming up over the mountains. The stables looked old but well cared for. Any holes had been patched up.

I came in the side door and the strong smells of hay, horses and sweet grain hit me. The horses were all making soft noises in their stalls. I always found the stables a nice place to be but the one thing that always bothered me was the strong smell of manure made even worse by my dragons sense of smell. I could over look that though.

I shuffled through the stables trying to avoid any piles of waste left scattered on the the ground. It would be a shame to ruin my white dress.

I caught sight of Aragorn's head, his dark wavy hair falling down to his shoulders, in one of the stables with his chocolate brown horse. I came to a stop in front of the stable and looked over the tall wooden door. Aragorn was inside brushing his dark brown horse, Legolas off to the side tossing a knife up in the air and catching it again, light glinted off the blade as it span through the air. Gimil was sitting on a small wooden stool in the corner sharpening his axe with a look of concentration etched apon his face.

I watched them for a moment, the utter peace of it all almost disturbed me. There they were, unchanged, still the same three I met all that time ago in Rivendale. They were so calm but we all knew we soon would probably be going to our almost certain death.

I cleared my throat to let them know of my presence. All of their heads snapped up from what they were doing. Legolas snatched his knife out of the air when he caught sight of me. I reached out and push the stall door open. It grumbled as it rolled open and I stepped inside.

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