The darkness gathers

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I walked back out of the room quietly closing the door. That was about the most uncomfortable conversation I had ever had. Deciding I needed to get to know the group better I walked over to Gimli and sat down beside him. I smoothed out my black dress To calm myself down. He looked over at me with a look of surprise in his dark brown eyes. " What brings you over here lassie?" He asked me. I looked him over once. " Just wanted to talk Mister Gimli." I said pulling down my hood. He nodded. " Your an interesting elf you are." He said chuckling. " How so?" I asked him. " Well to start with your looks. You have quite the eyes, and you aren't as posh as him." He said starting to laugh even more. His long red beard moving as he did. " Him?" I asked struggling to hold in my laughter. His laughter sounded so funny it was contagious. I was like a deep booming laugh but it sounded like he was being strangled. " The elf, the prince he's so formal. Dwarves pride themselves in being strait to the point and non formal. Where as elves love small talk and being all reserved and what not." He said chuckling. " But you my dear look like an elf but you aren't as fancy-like." He continued. I smiled. " Is that a compliment mister Gimli?" I asked now slightly laughing myself. " Well yes, I guess. Your not that bad for an elf." " Well then thank you mister Gimli. I don't think your that bad either, for a dwarf." I said smiling at him.

" I know where we have to go!" Gandalf called out. " He's done it!"Mary said excitedly, his eyes lighting up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Legolas quietly walk out of the room looking both ways to make sure nobody saw him. " Not at all Mary. But when in doubt follow your nose." I laughed. Gandalf hadn't changed a bit since I last travailed with him. Legolas quietly made his way to where I was standing. Without a word he stopped beside me. I nodded at him politely. He nodded back his blue green eyes meeting mine. I quickly looked away. We started on our way through the tunnels.

Realizing that my hair was still down I pulled an extra strip of black leather out of my sack and pulled my hair into a French braid. It was difficult to walk and braid my long black hair at the same time but I managed. As we continued. We went through a dark dingy tunnel. Suddenly every one stopped. I heard Gandalf mutter. " Dare we risk a little more light?" Then he struck his staff on the ground and the sound rang out echoing off seemingly large walls. Once my eyes adjusted to the bright light I saw a grand room. The pillars towering up to form the largest room I had ever seen. " Well that's an eye opener!" Pippin said wonder struck at my side. Even after being here once before it still amazed me. I had forgotten how grand it was. I wondered how the dwarves had to managed to carve this all out of stone. We walked through gaping I chuckled when I saw Legolas the great elven prince with his mouth partly open at the work of dwarves. He heard me and shut his mouth with a snap. He glared at me. " Don't worry, I won't tell the dwarf." I laughed some more. He rolled his eyes and walked away while I still walked by Pippin laughing.

" No!" I heard Gimli say. My head snapped to where he was. He ran to a door off to the side and ran into it. " Gimli!" Gandalf yelled. But the dwarf didn't stop. His feet hitting the ground loudly in a full sprint. His short legs moving wildly. I ran quickly after him. Beating the rest o the fellowship to the room by a long shot. When I reach the room I slowed down to a walk. The scene before me stunned me. Gimli was on the ground whaling bitterly. " No, no, no! " He moaned as if he was in physical pain. His voice broke as he mourned. I walked over to him and laid my hand gently on his shoulder. He glanced at me and I saw his puffy eyes with tears coming down his face in streams clearing some of the dirt and grime away. The tears dribbled into his long red beard and vanished. He looked back down laying his head on the cold stone tomb. The forehead of his helmet hitting the stone with a clang that resounded on the walls of the stone room. I looked around to see the gleaming white skeletons of dwarves scattered around the room. One held a book that I dared not pick up. My hand was still on Gimli's shoulder when the others came walking in. I tried to comfort him but I wasn't very good at that. I don't think he even heard me over the sounds of his own agonizing wails. I backed off not wanting to interfere anymore I pulled up my hood and walked over to the dark corner of the room.

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