What lies underneath

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We walked further into the cave. My eyes glowing slightly purple like a cats but the others never noticed. The air under the mountain was damp and heavy in my lungs. I hated the feeling considering that is where the heat inside of me is, the heat that creates flames. Pippin clung to my arm again as we walked. He kept glancing at the darkness that laid beyond the light emitting from Gandalf staff in fear. The only difference between this time and the mountains is that he was silent. Everyone was silent in fear of alerting dark creatures of our presence. All that could be heard was the quiet dripping of water from the ruff rock ceiling. I could smell the fear coming from the fellowship. They all stank of it. I could also see fear flickering in their large eyes. It drove me crazy. Gandalf and I were the only ones that didn't smell of fear. I didn't mind the dark caves. I was used to lonely dark places. The poor hobbits were only used to the shire. I had been on the out skirts of where the hobbits lived. The place was always fill with light happy people. Untouched by the darkness that filled the world. I had pretty much been every where in the world. I had even been to Mordor once in the first war. It was a dusty, dry, dark and evil place. Going there is not an experience I would like to go through again but if it means the fall of Saromon I would do anything. Suddenly the people in front of us stopped. I ran right into Legolas's tall back. He turned around and gave me a hard stare. " Sorry." I muttered. " Why do we stop Gandalf?" Gimli called out. " I do not remember this place." Gandalf said in an uneasy voice. " We will stop here for a while."

I sighed and dumped my stuff of a flat rock pulling Pippin with me. I had become protective of the hobbit. " I sat him down on the rock and pried his hand off my shoulder. I was sure there would be a bruise there now because the little hobbit had such a strong grip. I crouched down in front of him and looked into his blue eyes. "Will you be okay here?" I asked him quietly. He nodded and tried to smile. Mary came and bounced over beside Pippin. They started talking and soon all the fear left Pippins eyes and the smell left him. I walked slowly over to Frodo. I tapped him on the shoulder. I needed to talk to him. He looked up at me. " Can we talk?" I asked trying to sound kind. He looked at me with and uneasy look in his eyes but he nodded. He was fiddling with the ring that was on a chain around his throat. It shone in the faint light that Gandalf's staff provided. I knew he was drawn to it like a moth was drawn to light. He would have trouble parting with in the end. I could sense it. " You plan to leave." I said. His eyes went big. "Don't worry I won't tell the others. I actually agree with you, they are all too drawn to it. They want it and the power that it would give them. Their greed over powers the knowledge that the ring will betray them. If one of them had it they would fall. The ring would bring them to their death or drive them mad." I said half talking to myself. " Don't you feel it too. The ring calls to everyone can't you feel it?" He asked me in a whisper. He didn't look up at me. He looked tired, like an old man that had lived a long hard life. The look did not suit his young youthful face. I smiled at him. " That is my secret mister Frodo. I don't feel the pull of the ring." " But how lady Shadow!? The ring is powerful dark magic everyone feels the pull!" I chuckled. " How........ A good question. But now is not the time to give you the answer but soon enough I will. Don't fret the answers to all your questions will all be given when the time is right."

After I said that I heard Legolas's light foot steps come up behind us. " May I borrow Lady Shadow for a minute?" he asked in a polite voice that gave me shivers down my spine. Frodo looked at Legolas and back at me. I nodded. " Sure." Frodo said going back to playing with the ring. I got up and followed Legolas. He lead me off the path and through a narrow doorway leading to a large room. He close the door behind us. The door creaked as he shut it. I winced at the high pitched sound. The moment the door closed I was on my guard. He turned around to face me. His eyes bored into mine bravely. " I think it's high time we had that talk Lady Shadow." I nodded slowly not taking my eyes off his bow. " Lets have this conversation weaponless I think some of what you hear might..... make you nervous. His eyes narrowed. " I can trust your honour on a deal that you will lay down all your weapons. Each and every one?" I nodded. "Yes, and can I trust the same for you?" He nodded a quick short nod. His bleach blond hair swayed as he did. We both walked over to a flat rock near the door and started laying down our weapons. I pulled the bow off my back and gentility laid it on the rock. Followed by my quiver, large sword, my two smaller swords, the daggers from my boots and sleeves. Finally I pulled a dagger out of my braid. When I did so the blade cut the leather strip that kept my hair in a braid and my hair fell out cascading around my head like a black veil. I put the last dagger on the rock. Legolas chuckled. " What!" I asked sharply. He looked at me and smirked. " You even have a weapon in your braid." I smirked. " You can never have to many weapons." I said remembering what my mother told me when I hatched. He inspected me with his inquisitive blue eyes. " You should wear your hair down more often." I blushed slightly. " It will get in the way." I muttered. He shook his head in disagreement. " We should sit down this is going to be a long story." I said gesturing to some rocks on the other side of the late dull room. He nodded and we walked over to the rocks and sat down. " Okay so I think we should start with my name. My real name is Anastasia." I started. " And your last name?" Legolas asked. " That's the trick, I don't know. I was invited on this venture by Gandalf who I have travailed with a few times before. Gandalf is the only person I have ever had contact with before this. Other than my parents. Now this is we're it gets interesting. When I tell you this you need to promise me you won't freak out and let me explain." I gave him a hard forceful look narrowing my purple eyes. He nodded. "I promise." I sighed. " Okay, you were right about me not being an elf. I am very far from one. The truth is I'm a...... Dragon. A fire dragon to be exact." I said slowly choosing my words carefully. He stopped for a moment. I thought he was going to run for his sword but then something strange happened. A smile grew on his narrow face. Then he started laughing his laughter echoed off the walls of the large stone room. " Yes and I'm an ork. I thought we were having a real conversation Anastasia." He said in the midst of his laughter. " I do not jest." I stated plainly. He ignored me and kept laughing. I sighed people never learn. I stood up an walked to the centre on the room.I closed my eyes. If he doesn't believe me now he will soon. Legolas's laughter ended. The room fell silent. I felt the change. I felt wings spring free from my back as claws and longer sharper teeth grew. My neck stretched out longer and soon I was covers in black jewel like armour that were my scales. My eyes now in the shape of cats eyes looked down at Legolas. Though he held his ground but I could smell his fear. It radiated of him. I leaned my neck down so that my face was right near his. " Do you believe me now little trov." I spat at him using the dragon word for two legs which is what we call the other intelligent creatures of middle earth. His eyes were huge as he stared at my shiny razor sharp teeth. Me made a move and tried to dash for his bow. I have to admit he was quick and swift. He almost got past me. His long blond hair flowing as he ran. I pounced keeping my wings tucked in. I pinned him under my paw. His head lay between two of my long white ivory claws that were slightly stained black from battles long ago with evil orks. I leaned real close. " I thought we made a deal trov. No weapons in this conversation and no panicking when I told you. You are honour bound to let me explain." I hissed in his face. He looked angry but he nodded sharply. I let him up. He pushed himself up without taking his eyes off me. I went back to my other form. " Good job at not freaking out Legolas." I muttered. He glared at me with his cold blue eyes but made no reply.

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