Those who were lost

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I ran into the forest joy filling my heart. This was my home. Well as close to a home as I had. I took a deep breath the smell of the forest filling my nose. There is no other smell like it, there was only one way to describe it and that was the word home.

The others ran to where I was standing. I had a huge smile stretched across my face. " I don't understand why you like this place so much, it's creepy. But will you tone it down a bit all the feelings I'm getting from the bond is over whelming." Legolas said coming to my side. I smiled. The trees groaned loudly. I looked up as Gimli whipped out his axe faster than lightning. He raised it up. The groaning became louder. " Gimli." Aragorn spoke as calm as he could manage trying to get Gimli's attention. Gimli looked at him with a nervous look to his eyes. Aragorn motioned for him to lower his axe. I stepped forward and placed my hands on a tall thick oak. " Shhhh uke srele op werines." ( Shhhh... be calm my friends.) I whispered my lips an inch away from the trunk of the tree. The creacking slowly came to a stop and the last echos of the angry sounds faded away. " What sort of jibberish was that?" Gimli said stareing at me. " Didnt you hear her?" Legolas asked. " She was speaking english...." Legolas said now sounding unsure because of the looks he was being given. " Um... Legolas.... She was most definitely not speaking English." Aragorn said looking worried for his friend. A look of utter confusion crossed their faces I could not help but let out a small laugh. " There is still so much I have to teach you about dragons and their riders." I said quietly chuckling. I turned and set of on our course without even stopping to look at their bewildered faces.

The further the went the darker it got and my eyes started to glow. When I turned to speak with Gimli they all saw my bright purple eyes. Aragorn stumbled and almost fell over and Gimli's jaw dropped and a little bit of foamy drool escaped from his mouth in a very unappealing way. I held in a slight laugh. " What's wrong, dragon got your tongue." I drawled in a sarcastic voice. Gimli snapped his mouth shut and Legolas fiddled with his bow awkwardly. " Shall we continue?" I teased. " Don't worry I'll light the way." I laughter quietly. Turning on my heel I walked into the darkness.

Aragorn's arm smacked into my chest with such force he almost knocked me over. " What the.." I started angrily. Aragorn cut me off by smacking his hand over my lips. He put a finger over his own to signal for silence and then slowly removed his hand from my mouth. " The wizard approaches." Legolas whispered. " Do not let him speak. Kill him before he can cast a spell on us." Aragorn commanded. He was going to make a great leader.

I slowly reached my hand back and slide it into my braid. I felt through my smooth black hair until my hand struck the familiar smooth ivory handle. This was by far my favourite dagger. The handle was made of pure white flawless ivory that was inlayed with gold and silver that spiralled into the shape of a golden dragon breathing flames into the air. The blade was a sharp black blade that is made of the same metal as the black arrows. It was given to me by my mother when I turned two. ( She started teaching me to fight when I turned two.) The blade has been in my family for longer than anyone knows. It is believed that the blade was one of the seven daggers forged and made by the creator as gifts to the seven loyal original dragons. The only dragon that did not receive a blade was the male earth dragon. The one I was gripping in my hand is believed to be the female fire dragons blade. According to legend the blade is cursed so that it only serves female fire dragons. If another tries to use it the blade will eventually use the users hand to slay the unwanted user.

I slide the blade out of my braid carefully and quietly. Gripping it in my hand I prepared myself. I tried to remember the lessons I had with Gandalf on blocking my mind from wizards. I had done particularly well with this lesson and I could do a few magical actions. I placed a mental wall around my mind.

Suddenly a burst of pure white light burst out of the dark trees scorching my large purple eyes. For a moment I was completely blinded and the world became a bright white blur. Within seconds I had shaken myself back to normal. I channeled all the raw power and burning fury I had through my long slender muscular arm and threw my dagger spinning through the air with deadly accuracy. The black blade glinted dangerously in the white light.

Legolas's arrow was split in half in the air and Aragorn's sword glowed red with heat as he dropped it quickly to the ground. An old wrinkled hand shot out of the light and grabbed my dagger's handle that had been flying towards it at break neck speed.

Then a voice came out of the mist. " You are searching for two young companions. Does it comfort you to hear, that your friends encountered someone they did not expect. I pulled out my sword anger surging through my veins. " If you touched Pippin....." I growled leaving the rest of the threat empty because the light started to fade away and revealed a tall wrinkled old man that was slightly familiar. " Gandalf?" I asked.

Ahhhh... I have taken so long to update. Sorry I have been busy with end of term and Easter holidays. Speaking if which happy Easter. Thanks for all the reads.

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