The Man In The Tent

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My back ached, each jolt of the horse seemed to pulse through my spine. The sun had almost finished its long trip across the sky and I was more than ready to make camp. As the day went on my skin seemed to become paler and in the dying light I probably looked like a spirit rider.

The call to make camp couldn't have come sooner. I let a sigh of relief escape my dry cracking lips and slumped forward in my saddle. Leverin, who had persisted to ride beside, me shot me one of his smirks. His hair was pulled back into a low, short pony tail but in the weening light shimmered like gold.

I swung off of Rouge who gave a grunt as my weight was lifted off of him. I smiled tiredly. " You are as ready to retire to bed as I am."

Untacking Rouge seemed to go by painfully slow, it probably actually did go by at a painfully slow rate considering how slowly I was moving in attempt to go easy on my joints. I grabbed an apple out of my pack and put it on my palm for Rouge to eat. I stood there for a moment watching the light die out in between the tall pine trees and listening to Rouge steadily crunch on the apple. Ever since the day we left Rohan a sense of foreboding had settled over me like a dark cloud. I couldn't shake it off.

I left Rouge tied to a tree and wandered into the campsite. I caught the rich scent of soup coming from somewhere in the campsite. Images of steaming thick soup swarmed through my mind. I followed the scent with my heightened sense of smell. I shut off everything else. It was almost like walking blind. My stomach let out a loud gurgle in protest of being so empty.

I suddenly walked straight into something tall. I stumbled for a moment my arms flailing out trying to catch my balance and in a few seconds I righted myself. My vision focused on a tall man standing in front of me. Leverin stood before me desperately trying to stay upright while somehow holding three bowls of soup. He looked absolutely ridiculous. I held in my laughter and grabbed his right arm and helped him steady himself.

When he finally had successfully righted himself he gave me a smirk. " You should really watch where you are going."

I snorted. " You shouldn't try to carry three bowls of soup at once."

He laughed. " Fair enough." He said with a smile. " You don't need to go grab soup, I grabbed one for you and for Fallen." He smiled. I gave him a smile in return thankful for his thoughtfulness. " Anyways you look like your about to keel over." I let out a small involuntary laugh. He couldn't have been more right.

Leverin guided me back to where Fallen and what was left of the fellowship had set up camp. We walked over to them in a tired silence. The moment we reached the others I flung myself down beside Fallen. Part of me wanted to just sit down in the campfire to avoid the cold evening breeze. I probably could have considering that I would not have burnt me but I don't think the others would appreciate that.

Leverin settled down on my other side much more gracefully than I had, but I was in no mood to be graceful. Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli and Marry had also sat down around the small fire and were busy viciously spooning soup into their mouths. Leverin handed me a bowl and I only took a moment to mumble a thank you before quickly starting to eat. The feel of the warm soup going down my throat was glorious.

The last brilliant rays of sunlight died on the horizon and left us in complete darkness except for the weak light of the fires. I was more than ready to crawl into my tent and sleep and from the bags under everyone else's eyes I could tell they were to. The first to leave the fire was Marry. Soon after him Gimli and Aragorn also retired to their tents. Soon it was just Legolas, Fallen, Levering and I.

I was just about to get up and go to the tent that I shared with Fallen when Leverin grabbed my arm. " Wait he said. The light of the fire hit his eyes and I could see gold starting to shine out from beneath the blue caused by his concealment magic. I furrowed my brow and slowly sat back down. Leverin glanced around at everyone left at the fire. Legolas and Fallen seemed to be just as confused as I was. Just as Leverin was about to speak Aragorn walked briskly past. The others didn't seem to notice but I watched him march away into the darkness. Tonight seemed to be a night for puzzling going ons.

" I don't know if you are aware." Leverin said directed at Legolas. He spoke in a hushed tone and we all leaned forward to hear him. " That dragons, being the guardians of the races have a way of knowing when most of their race is in peril. Our people call it the Aravanth. There is no direct translation into your language for Araventh but the closest thing I can think of is dire warning or bringing awareness. For every dragon it is different. For mine my eyes get brighter." Now Leverin turned to me. " I assume yours is your skin losing colour." He questioned. I gave a nod and subconsciously pulled my long braid forward over my shoulder. " Gandalf told me of your mission as a fellowship and I fear that your young hobbit friend has met some sort of danger. But I will ask you not to disclose this information to the others, it will only cause a panic."

I nodded in agreement. I was surprised that he had noticed what my Aravanth was. As our conversation came to a close Aragorn reappeared behind me and tapped on my shoulder. " Come with me." He said and turned, starting to walk away.

I gave the others an apologetic smile and quickly jumped up and ran a few steps to follow him. This night is never going to end. I thought to myself. I could hear Legolas musical laughter in my head. Our minds seemed to be coming closer. I wasn't as easily able to block him from my thoughts.

I followed Aragorn through the darkness of the campsite. " Where are we going?" I hissed quietly.

Aragorn glanced at me, his dark eyes hooded. " You shall see." He whispered back. After a very short walk we came up to a large tent with a light shining out from the inside.

Aragorn came to an abrupt halt at the opening if the tent. He flashed what I think was supposed to be a reassuring smile and gestured for me to enter the tent.

I bent over and stepped into the tent. The sweet smell of flowers and candles hit me as I stepped into the tent. " Lady Shadow." Someone sitting near the back of the tent spoke. " It has been a while."


So so so sorry! It has been so long since I have update. Well this story is nearing its end and I just want to take time to thank everyone who has made it this far and has been patient with my updates.

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