Riding out

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I trudged through the stable withered hay rustling under my boots. The stable was in complete disarray. Men darted back and forth grabbing weapons, provisions and then scattering back through the stables like mice. The sound of chattering voices was mixed in with the soft whinnying of the horses as they were loaded up for the journey. The noise level rose and fell like music on the wind.

My heart was heavy, I had grown tired of constant war and fighting and for the first time in my miserable life I thought of what it would be like to settle down. All my life had been living off the road, eating what I could kill, fighting the evil of this world. But what would it be like to just stop, get a house and have a hobby, to rest my weary bones. Maybe even fall in love and have children. My heart fluttered at the thought, maybe I already had fallen in love. I thought of a home and a family for Neo. I suddenly shut down my train of thought shaking my head. I had no time for this non-sense. I probably won't even make it through this war alive to live long enough to consider all of this. Anyways how could I ever settle down, I was a dragon it was my duty to protect the land.

" My apologies! Lady Shadow!" A man sputtered as he bumped into me almost knocking me off my feet. I quickly regained my balance and looked up to study the man. He was a head taller than me with thick blond hair that spilled just over his ears in short messy waves. His eyes were a deep blue that watched me with an unsure gaze.

I nodded at him. " That is quite alright." My voice sounded tight and numb.

The man smiled and then spoke again in his deep gravely voice. " You should probably get to your horse, we shall be leaving soon." He then briskly walked off further into the stables. His shoes letting of sharp clacks as he went. I watched him for a few more seconds, noticing his slight limp as he paced away down the hall. It was strange to be treated normally by people who had just recently found out about what I was but here was this man treating me just like everyone else. It felt nice.

I hurried down the longs stables, my black cloak flying out behind me like the night sky, trying to find the others. I suddenly spotted Legolas's stunningly white blond hair and hurried towards him. As I approached I heard soft musical laughter accompanied by a deep chuckle.

I peeked around the corner to see Legolas and Fallen talking and laughing in the stable like old friends. I smiled.

I heard a few deep thudding steps behind me and Gimli's rough voice reached my ears. " They are a funny two ain't they they." I smiled, turned and saw Gimli standing behind me with Aragorn standing a few feet away leaning against the wooden wall, playing with a frayed piece of hay. He had a smug smile under the shadows of his face and kept glancing at the stable wall with his dark brown eyes. He looked over to me and smirked nodding his head to the stable. I smiled and nodded.

I walked over to him. " You have got a new horse." He said not looking up from his piece of hay which he proceeded to peel a long thin strand off of. " It is the chestnut stallion over there, I believe it's name is rouge or something of the sorts." He said jerking his chin at a stable.

" Thanks." I said and walked over to it. I gave the door a rough tug because it was jammed into place. The door gave a particularly loud groan as I pulled it open. I peeked in to see a tall chestnut stallion with a white line going down his brow. The horse took two steps over to me and mugged my shoulder with his warm nose.

" Well you aren't a shy one are you?"I laughed putting my thin hand on his forehead.

" That one bit me earlier, he did." I jumped out of my skin. I always hear people approaching. I spun around and Leverin was perched up on the short wooden wall between my stall and the next. He looked like a cat with his legs bent so that his large hands were holding into the thin wall as well.

" You scared me!" I chided. As a smirk lit up Leverin's narrow face as I spoke. I smiled at him my heart giving a small jerk. Leverin's gazed at me for a while and a blush started to blossom across my cheeks.

" There's that smile." Leverin said with a soft tone in his voice. My blush getting brighter on my face, so much that I could feel my cheeks growing warmer.

" You just need to be gentle with him." I said changing the subject suddenly and turned to the horse again. I heard a muffled thud as Leverin jumped down from the wall and moved closer to me. I could feel Leverin's warm breath blowing across the back of my neck as I stroked the white line on the rouges brow. As my hand went to run down the line again Leverin's hand rested on mine. I froze as my heart died and came back to life in my chest. We stood there for a moment neither of us really understanding what just happened. I turned around and we were face to face, Leverins breath brushing across my cheek.

I looked down and we both took a step back. " You sent him to the elves didn't you." Leverin asked softly. He already knew the answer but I gave it to him anyways.

" Yes." I choked out my eyes staring intently on the ground, I couldn't handle think about Neo. Suddenly I felt Leverin's large but gentle hand envelope my own. His hands were rough but also smooth at the same time in a weird way. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. " I think you made the right decision." He said quietly with a foreign look in his eyes. I nodded and silence claimed the stall.

" Elves." I heard a voice scoff. We both jumped and looked up to see Gimli shaking his head as us. " Something is wrong with all y'all lately." He said with a huge smirk on his face.


Sorry but this is just a filler chapter, I have been very busy lately. I tried to touch a bit on Anastasia's and Leverin's growing relationship. I also hinted at something else in this chapter that I think was fairly obvious. Hope you enjoyed even though it is so short. I hope to get another out soon. Oh!!! I reached 1000 readers thank you all so much!!! Bye!

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