Go down in flames

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My feet pounded the forest ground. I gave up on being quiet they had already found me. My silk black dress made swishing sounds around my legs as I full on sprinted. I saw a low hanging branch of an oak tree. I ran as hard as I could and jumped. My feet leaving the ground in perfect timing. My hands grasped the branch at the hight of my jump and swung gracefully up on the branch. Now standing up I pulled my large hand crafted bow off my back and strung it. I took my aim for the closest ork to me. He was large with muscles rippling under his ugly skin. I let my arrow fly. It whistled through the air and struck the ork in the centre of his short neck. By the time it crumpled to the ground I had already taken aim at the next ork. Arrow after arrow left my quiver as the orks crumpled to the ground midnight black blood oozing from the spot the arrow had hit. I shot my last arrow and once again it hit its target. I never miss. There was one ork left. Just one. It glared at me with its sunken eyes. Drool dripping to the ground from its mouth. Animal I thought to myself. I jumped to the ground gracefully landing on my feet like a cat. My eyes never left the ork as I pulled my sword out slowly. It hummed in my hands as I put my self into my fighting stance. The ork lifted its sharp battle axe in its large hands and let out a long deep battle cry. I took a deep breath as it charged down the hill at me. It swung its axe strait down at my head. I danced out of the way with ease. Smirking I slashed its leg with my sword. It glittered in the sunlight that filtered through the tall oak trees of the forest. Black blood spurted out. It let out a howl in rage and pain. It spun around swinging its axe blindly. I ducked and slashed it on the other leg. This time the gash went deeper and the orks knee buckled. It fell to its knees. As it fell it swung its axe at me again. I jumped over the blade and the ork missed me by a long shot. I slashed its arm and it dropped the axe. It glared up at me in rage and shock. It probably never expected to be defeated by a small human looking girl. I won't even lie I'm tiny. Without even a second thought a swung my axe and his head fell to the ground at my feet. I gathered my arrows from the dead orks body's. I make my own arrows and that takes time so it's not worth leaving them. Placing them in my quiver I walked away without a scratch.

I am known as shadow. Well to the dwarves, elves, men and hobbits. The most that they have seen of me is a dark figure dressed in all black with a black hood covering my face. Only one person has actually seen me before and that is Gandalf. He is also the only person who knows my name. The only person who calls me Anastasia. My true name. Everyone else doesn't even know what gender I am. Which is a girl. I have never spoken to them. They have never been within a mile of me. Any that have other than Gandalf that have gotten close enough to see my face didn't live to tell the tale. Don't get me wrong I don't just kill innocent people. The people that get close enough are my targets, the people that I let get close enough. So I can kill them. My targets are mostly orks.

I stopped at a stream. And stared at my reflection. I had jet black strait hair that was braided down my back reaching all the way to the bottom of my back. My dark purple eyes glittered mysteriously in the sunlight. My pale skin making them pop. My pale pink lips twitched into a slight smile. I pulled my black hood connected to my cloak forward and straitened out my dress. I started my weapon check. First I pulled my bow and quiver of my back and checked their condition. The I did the same to my large sword at my hip and the two smaller light weight swords on my back. Then I pulled each of my hidden daggers out counting them. Two from my left boot and two from my right. Three hidden up each of my sleeves and one hidden in the braid of my hair. Eleven in total. Taking out my sharpening rock from my small pack of medical herbs flint and dried meat. I proceeded to sharpen my large sword. It was getting slightly dull. Keeping an eye on my surroundings I started to clean my arrows. I was never safe from the orks. For one reason and one reason only. Because I was the last dragon. Many years ago during the first war saromon tried to convince me to join him. That went really bad for him considering I changed into my dragon form and destroyed a great part of his army. From then on he knew where my loyalties lied. He ordered his servants to kill me. But he never gave away my secret afraid that his enemy's might figure out and use it against him. Snapping out of my flash back I noticed something fluttering by my ear. A small brown moth. I held out my hand and it landed. The voice of a certain wizard emitted from the small fragile creature. " Please meet me at rivendale for a very important meeting on the third moon. I will understand if you do not come. It might please you to know though that it is about the fall of saromon." Gandalfs message ended and with that the moth fluttered away like nothing happened. Shock coursed through me. I had been alive for 4386 years an have never been seen face to face by anyone but him and he ask's me to sacrifice that! In anger I picked up my biggest dagger that lived in my right sleeve and through it. It hit the tree it had aimed for and it's blade sunk into the thick bark with a thud. My vision tinted red. I kicked a rock at my feet and it flew through the air out of sight. How dare he ask me to give up my privacy and my safety. He knows how much danger I'm in yet he asks me to sacrifice more. My blood boiled. And to ask so late! The third moon was tomorrow. I heard a voice in my head. Stupid conscience. Don't you want to be part of the fall of Saromon? It asked me. I stopped. The moth did say that didn't it. It made sense to. No! I would not go. It is not worth it to risk my safety. But I would not need to hide any more if Saromon is killed. I sat down thinking. I could make it if I shifted to dragon form. But that could be dangerous. I shook my head. 4386 years of hiding! It needs to end. I sighed I can keep my hood up. then no one will see my face. Making the decision I started putting away my weapons. Closing my bag I prepared to shift. During the shift my cloths melt into my body so when I shift back they will still be there. My body grew and I felt wings spurt from my back. My teeth and nails grew longer and sharper. I stretched my black leathery wings. I hadn't shifted for 789 years. I turned my long neck around to look at my hide. It was still the same with black glittering jewel like scales. My dragon form had grown a lot. Deciding it might be a better idea to wait till night to fly when I would be more camouflaged I waited on the edge of the forest while the sun went down. When it was finally dark I emerged from the forest. I took a big gulp of the cool night air and ran. Jumping into the air and spreading my wings out. It was so great to feel the wind beneath my wings again. I gained a lot of altitude to prevent any people still out from seeing me. I let a jet of black flames into the air. I started my flight to Rivendale. I flew for hours until my wings hurt. I flew over dark fields and looming mountains.

Go down in flamesWhere stories live. Discover now