"We shouldn't, my brothers just down stairs" JJ rested his forehead against mine, I looked up meeting his gaze. Instantly being drawn into him, it was impossible not to be drawn into him.
"I know" he pulled away pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear before quickly kissing me again. I don't know what it was but kissing JJ was like a drug, I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself, I needed it, I needed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling myself closer to him and deepening the kiss. JJs hand travelled to my waist circling the area that was slightly exposed. I ran my hand in his hair as his hand travelled further up my top.
"Shit I'm sorry" JJ and I quickly pulled away both looking towards the bedroom door. There stood Sarah, a red solo cup in hand, her face turning the same colour, whether it was due to walking in on JJs and mines make out session or that she's was drunk, I couldn't tell. "I'm just gonna..." her words slightly slurring, she turned walking out the room.
"Shit" I mumbled as JJ stayed in the same position, I turned looking back at him. "I'm going to go talk to her" I excused myself.

I pushed past multiple people looking for Sarah but having no look.
"Hey Pope you seen Sarah?" I asked the boy who sat awkwardly next to the girl from earlier.
"She just left with John B" he pointed to the main door.
"Shit" I let out a frustrated sigh, what if she tells him? If she's does that's most likely it for me and JJ.
"Y/n what's wrong?" Pope moves from his position.
"Nothing, it's nothing" I tried to convince the boy who looked at me then the girl next to him then back to me. "I promise Pope it's nothing" I forced a smile before turning and walking back up the stairs and to the bedroom.
"Did you find her?" JJ quickly stood up from the bed he had been sat on.
"No she already left with John B"
"Fuck!" JJ grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at the wardrobe, he was completely frustrated. "He's going to flip out" JJ turned back to face me.
"Don't you think I know that" I took a step forward as JJ took a seat back on the bed. "He is my brother" JJ looked up at me.
"And he's my best friend, one of the only real people that I can call family. His never going to forgive me" he shook his head looking away.
"He will" I walked closer to the bed taking a seat next to him placing my hand on top of his.
"No" he pulled his hand away. "Your his sister he'll forgive you but me, I did the one thing that I promised not to" he shook his head looking away.
"I promise we'll fix this" I forced JJ to look at me. He let out a scoff before standing up and walking towards the door. "JJ don't just walk away" I stood up following him. JJ turned to face me, his hand still on the door.  "We'll fix this" again I forced him to look at me before pulling him into a hug. JJ let out a sigh before resting his head on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath as I pushed the front door open and walking in, there was silence. Either John wasn't awake or he wasn't he, I walked through the house taking my jacket off and throwing it on one of the chairs taking a seat. I let out a sigh as I slouched in the chair running a hand through my hair.
"You just getting in?" I turned as John B walked into the room, he was wearing simple shorts with his top half way done.
"Yeah" I nodded my head, John B walked around the room before resting against the counter, silence falling over the room again. "You left early" I started to trace the wooden table in front of me.
"Yeah..." I gave him a look to go on but he pushed himself off the counter walking out the door to the porch. This can't be good right. He's acting weird. I pushed the chair out and walked over to door slowly pushing it open. John was sat in the steps looking out ahead. I slowly shut the door and made my way over to him.
"You okay?" I asked taking a seat next to him, John stared a head for a bit before turning to look at me forcing a smile.
"Yeah of course" he then turned looking back ahead.
"What is it?" I nudged him. "Talk to me" John took a breath before speaking again.
"I promise it's nothing" a few seconds passed before John stood up and walked back into the house. I turned watching him as he walked back into the house before turning to face the view in front of me. After a minute of sitting in silence my phone buzzed. I stood up reaching into my pocket pulling my phone out.
From: Kie💛
Come to the
Wreck ASAP
I slipped my phone into my pocket as I walked down the steps and started to make my way to the wreck.

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