Volume 2 Episode 1 - Welcome to Beacon

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Beacon Academy; Lunch Break

"I can't believe I lost my precious lunchtime!" I cried out. I took a sharp turn in the courtyard and head straight for the cafeteria. "I wasted all of it listening to Father and briefing him on the Schnee Dust Company incident in the shipyard!" I complained.

I begin to slow my steps. "But what Father said earlier..." I reasoned with myself as I walked. "Y/N. Keep an eye on Ms. Rose and Ms. Nikos." Father told me. 'When he said it... I saw something in his eyes... but what did I see?' I queried as I opened the cafeteria doors.

I turned my head to the side in confusion. 'The sound of metals...?' I queried as I stepped into the building. "Woah, 'kay..." I let out. With widened eyes, I saw food scattered everywhere in the vicinity.

"Oh! Hey, Y/N!" A familiar voice greeted. "Hey, Sun." I greeted back. I then noticed a new face. "Is he a part of your team?" I asked him as he nods. Y/N! This is Neptune! I decided to tour him around... but! Something happened!" He exclaimed.

"This happened!" He exclaimed yet again as he points at the messy cafeteria. I turn my head towards the mess and noticed... "Is this supposed to be a food fight?!" I let out in despair. "Looks like it, yeah!" He responded.

I looked back at the fight and saw most of Team RWBY on the ground knocked out. Ruby, on the other hand, was in a landing pose of some sort. 'Is that Team JNPR... on the wall...?' I queried as I gave the sight a questionable look.

"Oh no..." I muttered under my breath. I shook my head and almost forgot. "I apologize for being rude, Neptune. I'm Y/N. A student here in Beacon." I introduced myself as I looked up at the food-faced Neptune.

"So you're the shorty Sun was talking about." Neptune let out as I deadpanned. "I know I'm short, Sun... but... that's how your friend knows me as? The shorty?" I asked him. Sun nervously laughs.

"Never mind..." I mumbled. Before anything else happened, the door opened with great force, and Glynda came into the building... fuming with anger. "I love these guys." I heard Sun let out.

Glynda takes out her crop and begins to fix everything. Food would be disposed of properly and tables would jump back into place. "Children, please. Do not play with your food." Glynda angrily let out.

Nora burped in response. "Woah!" Someone shouted from above as Yang falls back into the building. In response, both teams started to laugh. I had a fair share of my laugh as well.

I felt a pat on my shoulder and saw Father walking towards Glynda. "Let it go." Father told Glynda. "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." Glynda sighed out. "And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part?" Ozpin reasoned.

"After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever."

Ozpin's Office>>>

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work where he travels." Glynda grumbles. "I wonder what he's going to do." I pondered. Father, Glynda, and I were at the window watching the arrival of General Ironwood. My eyes trace the fine Atlesian technology.

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore." Father commented. I heard a faint beeping as both Father and I look towards the noise. "Come in." Father responded as the elevator opened and revealed General Ironwood.

"Ozpin!" General Ironwood cordially greeted. "Hello, General." Father greeted. "Please, drop the formalities." General joked as both he and father shook hands. 

"It's been too long. And Glynda!" He greeted as he walks towards her. "It has certainly been too long since we last met." He commented. "Oh, James..." Glynda let out as she dropped the formalities.

"I'll be outside." She told Father as she left for the elevator. "And Y/N!" General called for me. "Are you going to stay with us as usual?" He asks. I gave him a kind smile. "You know it." I let out as I shook his hand as well.

Father walks to his desk and prepares coffee for him and General Ironwood. "So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" Father asks him. "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students, for the Vytal Festival." He added and gives him a cup of coffee. I heard a clink as General Ironwood grabs the mug.

"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year." General Ironwood started. I watch him take out a canteen and pour the contents into the mug. "Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up." He continued as Father walks around his desk and sits on his chair.

"I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned." Father let out as I stifle a laugh. "Well, concerned is what brought them here." The General speaks in a serious tone.

I suddenly top my childish tendencies and listened quietly. "I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult." Father commented. "Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men." General Ironwood let out. Father takes a drink of his coffee.

"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression." Father let out. "But if what Qrow said is true..." I heard General let out. I gave both of them a confused look. "What about Qrow?" I queried.

"If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully," Father commented as he completely disregarded me. "It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent." Father advised.

"I'm just being cautious." General Ironwood tells Father. "As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsman and Huntresses we can." Father reasoned. "Believe me, I am." General Ironwood replies as he turns and walks away.

"But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your children can win a war?" He asks Father. Father doesn't reply as General Ironwood entered the elevator. I waited for the elevator to close before asking Father again.




"What's going on, Father?" I ask him as I looked him square in the eyes. He doesn't look into my eyes. Instead, he stares off into space. "Something big will happen inevitably, Y/N..." Father starts. He then looks up at me from his chair.

"Both you and I know it very well..."

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