Volume 1 Ep. 1 - The Day Before Initiation

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Beacon Academy

"What?! You want me to enroll this year?!" I ask Father as he quietly sips on his mug. "Why not?" He simply tells me as he places his mug on his desk. I start kicking the air as it becomes quiet. Suddenly, Father's scroll rings as he picks it up.

"Okay, I will be on my way." He lets out as he ends the call. "Let's go, Y/N." He tells me as he stands from his chair and grabs his cane. I follow him as I held my staff across my shoulder.

We enter the elevator as it takes us down. "Y/N, you do know that you will have to take the test as well, right?" He asks me as I sighed. "I figured that much..." I sighed as I frowned.

"I expect you to do your best tomorrow, Y/N." He tells me as I nod. "It's not only for both of our sakes but specifically yours. I don't know what Glynda would do to you." Father comments as I shudder at the thought.

"I think it's best that we don't talk about it, Father..." I let out as he chuckles. "Agreed." He lets out as we exit the elevator. "Where we headed to? The amphitheater?" I queried as I followed him.

"Where else would we hold our ceremonies? In the courtyard?" He jokingly lets out. "Well... that could be a nice change of pace." I commented. I hold the door open as he enters through the doors. I followed him to the stage as I stopped at the edge.

"Good morning, Y/N." Glynda greeted me as I nodded. "Morning, Professor Goodwitch." I responded back as I saw her shocked face. "Why? I'm going to attend Beacon this year. Did Father not tell you?" I ask her.

"No, Ozpin did tell me, but you calling me with such formalities, is something out worldly." She commented as I shook my head. "I have to be respectful from now on, right?" I teasingly ask her as she gritted her teeth. "Why, you -- !"

"Ahem... I'll keep this brief." Father cuts Glynda off as I smile in victory. Glynda held her annoyed face as she walked on stage and stood behind Father. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your crafts and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people." Father explains.

"But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." He specifically talks to the students as they start to whisper among themselves. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far." He pauses before continuing. "It is up to you to take the first step." He finishes as he walks towards me.

I gave him a thumbs up and a smile. "Listen to Glynda, Y/N." Father simply tells me. I looked at him confused as he started making way for his office I assumed. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight," Glynda spoke into the microphone. "Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." She concludes as she walks towards me.

"That includes you, Y/N." She tells me as my eyes widen. "You've got to be kidding..."

Dining Hall

"...me..." I muttered as I looked around the dimly lit hall. I sighed as I drop onto my pillow. 'I guess this is payback from playing around too much...' I thought to myself as I turned onto my side. "Woah!" I yelped as I backed away at the sudden jumpscare. I sat up and glared at the person.

"What's with you?!" I whisper shouted at the red-tipped, black-haired girl. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that." She replied with an embarrassed tone. I heard muted laughter behind the embarrassed girl as I leaned to my side and saw an older girl with bright golden hair. I shook my head.

"You're fine, you just caught me off guard." I told her with a reassuring smile. "Ah, thank goodness! I thought I made you mad." She responded as she looked up at me. My eyes widened as I stare into her eyes. "You have... silver eyes..." I let out as she nodded.

"Yeah, is that weird?" She queried as I quickly shook my head. "No! It's cool!" I told her as I remembered the story Father told me. "I'm Ruby Rose, by the way!" She introduced herself. She then pointed to the girl behind her.

"And she's my sister!" She exclaims. "Name's Yang Xiao Long." She confidently introduced herself. I nodded as I gave them a small bow. "I'm Y/N." I introduced myself. "So! Are you ready for the initiation?!" Ruby asks me as I nodded.

"Are you?" I ask her as she enthusiastically nodded. I yawned as I rub my eyes. "Sorry about that... it looks like I'll be needing my sleep now. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I bid both Ruby and Yang.

"Okay! Good night, Y/N!" Ruby bid me as she yawned as well. "C'mon, sis. Let's go to bed too." Yang told Ruby as they both wave. I waved back as I pulled my blanket over myself. 'I guess joining this year won't be too bad...' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and let my mind wander.

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