I am walking ahead of him, because there's no point walking with him sideways.

When we arrive at the apartment building, I turn around to him. "I finally got home safe. Thank you for bringing me home safely, even though you are the one who insists on letting you, yourself, send me home. Thank you also for the hotdog sandwich. Lastly, congratulations again." He didn't utter a word after I said all of those. Not even a you're welcome.

I roll my eyes at the back of my head, I bet he just force himself to send me home and buy me a food because I was looking after Hannah during the game. He wouldn't have to do those, I will always voluntarilty assist and help Hannah.

"I guess, I'll be going. You should go home, be safe." I turn myself to go inside, but he stops me by holding my right wrist.

I give him a quizzical look, he suddenly covers my eyes using his left hand before I resist myself from him, I feel a peck on my forehead.

"See you tommorow."

I stand frozen. I try to process everything, but before I sink in what just happen, Ajax jog away and go to his way home.

I touch my forehead. Did he just kiss my forehead?

Is it hot? Why do I feel my cheeks starting to get hotter?

When I go to class the next day, I can't remove the thought of what just happened last night.

I slap my face to wake my senses up. Raine look at me with shock.

She go to my desk and hold my cheek. "What is happening to you Marie?" I realize what I just did, it was kinda a hard slap.

"Nothing, I am trying to bring my senses up." Raine sit beside me, she turns my chair to face her.

"I know that it is hard for you to forget, but it will be okay soon." I raise my eyebrow and look at her confuse.

"David will be here tomorrow. Forget about him for a day, you will never know what things that lies to you today. You will be fine again when he gets back." I hold my head, I am glad it didn't fall.

"Raine, drop the David and Marie thing. We are just friends, okay?" Raine shrug.

"We'll never know." She winks at me and run towards her desk before I could catch her and tickle her until she gives up.

I attend only my first subject as I have a practice today at the club. I am not sure of who I am with today.

I go to the Performing Arts club to check if they are still there but Hillary told me they already left to the theater.

I guess I am the only one whom they are waiting for. The President is talking to someone, while going to the stage, my feet glued onto where I am right now upon seeing of who I am with, with today's practice.

My cheeks gotten hotter again.

Shoot! I forgot that I am going to practice with him today for our scene. It is only just the two of us! What a lucky day Marie. I pat myself.

Why it has to be today? I still can't forget last night.

When the President see me, he calls me, Ajax also saw me but he has still have this neutral expression of him everytime we cross each other at the University.

Please take care of my Heart (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now