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-end of meeting-

It went.. Ok.. Half way through a maid came and told the king his son needed him. Jae-hwa rolled his eyes and told her that her job was to raid Kyong. Turns out that even if the king has many mistresses he only has one legitimate son. The old man laughs and says how this was the only alpha, shame he wasn't a pure child.

If Hoseok didn't want to hit the elder before he definitely does now.

Anytime peace as brought up it would stay the topic for five minutes and th3n turn over to how Dionne was run was wrong and how they should be more like Sable. Blah blah blah..

At least one thing was done. Jae-hwa apologize for the attack ( not that it did much) and sighed a paper stating they Dionne and Sable were at Peace.. For now.

Instead of heading to a provided room Hoseok and Namjoon decided to go ahead and leave.


As Yoongi was rearranging his best, for the 5th time, Jin barged in.


Yoongi: really?

Jin: YES!!

Yoongi: congratulations!!

Jin: you don't seem that excited.. What wrong?

Yoongi: everything is wrong.. I've been trying to fix my best but.. Nothing is right..

Jin: what do you need?

Yoongi: I don't know.. Something is missing! I don't know what it is!

Jin:.. I think I know..

Yoongi: what? How?

Jin: Well.. We both noticed Hoseoks scent fading away, the only place it's strong is well... Inside you.. Maybe your missing his scent?

Yoongi: that's exactly it!

Yoongi went from his big gummy smile back to a pout.

Yoongi; he won't be home for a few more days.. It'll be completely faded by tomorrow...... Yoon is back..

Jin: it'll be ok.. Let's find for a walk, ok?

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