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A month has passed since the coronation. Not much has changed yet, only that everyone no matter what rank or financial situation, can get an education. Children are encouraged but until a system that will work is made nothing is required.

Its currently afternoon.

Hoseok: let's go for a walk, shall we?

Yoongi: please.. I need fresh air.

Walks seem to be a thing the two do. They help clear their heads and enjoy themselves while they talk to each other.

While talking Yoongi suddenly stopped and grabbed his stomache.

Hoseok: Yoongi!

Said omega made his way to a corner of their garden and lost his lunch.

Hoseok: are you ok?!

Yoongi: I.. I don't know.. I was fine.. Why did I get sick?

Hoseok: maybe it's something you ate?

Yoongi: I need to lay down..

Hoseok: alright.. Let me carry you, ok?

Yoongi: m'k..Can you call for a doctor?

Hoseok: I will once were there, ok?

Yoongi: m'k...

Once they had gotten to there room and a doctor was called Jin bursted in.

Jin: I heard you callef for a doctor? What happened?

Yoongi: we were talking a walk and I suddenly got sick to my stomach..

Jin: I'll get you some water... Want any food?

Yoongi: maybe some bread..

Once a doctor arrived they checked his temperature and checked.. Other things.

Dr. : it's a little early to tell but I believe that our young king is with child.

While Hoseok and Yoongis eyes widened Jin turned to Hoseok.

Jin: Jesus, you couldn't even wait.

Hoseok:... I.... Hey! He was in heat and before anything happened I asked for consent!

While 2seok kept bickering Yoongi subconsciously placed his hands over his stomache.

Yoongi:well shit.. I was right...

Jin: what!?

Yoongi: oh please, I had at least ten knots of in me in the spanse of a week, this was gonna happen.. Hey.. Can we keep this a secret? Is rather delay the council getting an even bigger head.

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