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Once a upon a time a king and queen were loved by their people. They were a traditional family, an omega mother and alpha father. They didn't expect their long awaited first born to be an omega. A male one at that. For a time they were set on an arranged marriage to a allied kingdom's son.

4 years after their oldest birth they welcomed another baby boy to their family, an alpha. But they payed the price.

The queen unfortunately passed after the birth.

The king then became colder.

He no longer showed as much affection.

As the king mourned he realised how dangerous the world really is for an omega. So, when his oldest was old enough he began training him to not only rule, but to defend himself.

Once the omega prince came of age the king asked for his allies that he arranged a marriage with long ago to send their son to him in hope that their children will fall in love like he had many years ago.


For as long as he could remember all people noticed about him was his rank. Omega. He was a blonde one as well, rare but beautiful.

Now one cared that he was an amazing swords man.

No one cared that he was gonna be king.

No one cared that he lost his mother.

No one cared that he raised his younger brother.

All they cared was that he was Min Yoongi. First born omega son of the King of Dionne.

He was hoping once he took the throne he would rule alone and prove he was more than his rank.

But now that hes been informed from his father that in a few weeks the prince of Soleil will be staying with them due to a arrangged marriage between them.


Prince Hoseok of Soleil was the embodiment of the kingdom's name. He was loud, bright, and optimistic. Despite his soft personality his features were sharp.

Being the youngest son of two alpha siblings he never truly worried about ruling his kingdom but he took classes for it either way.

The young alpha was a hopeless romantic. He loved the thought of one day when walking through his kingdom of meeting the one of his dreams. He wouldn't care if they were a girl, boy, alpha, omega. As long as they loved each other.

Unfortunately his dreams of finding his true love were crushed once his mother sat him down and explained that he was arranged to get married with on if their allies.

He's heard tales of the oldest prince of Dionne. He was told that the prince has turned down any attempt of courting and has even won duels for his own hand, something the princes father was openly proud of.

He's also heard from the defeatwd alphas that the rumors of the Omegas beauty were all lies  that the prince was hideouse.

For the first time in a while the alpha couldn't seem to be optimistic.

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