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It was today. The coronation. After a week now mourning everyone was preparing for their new rulers.

Hoseok: are you ready?

Yoongi: no.. But my people need a leader..

Hoseok takes yoongis hand and kisses it.

Hoseok:.. We're in this together, remember?

Yoongi: I remember.. Everyone's waiting, we should go.

Hoseok: wanna hold my hand?

Yoongi: yes please.

Hoseok: there's a lot of guards.. I think some are from Soleil..

Yoongi: ah.. Probably..

Hoseok: how's your eye?

The wound was still patched up.

Yoongi: well... When the bandages are being changed I can still see.. Not as well but I can see.

Hoseok: does it still hurt?

Yoongi: not really.. Unless it's being touched I feel nothing.. Definitely not as bad as when the adrenaline finally stopped..

Hoseok: that's good.. We're here.

Yoongi: next time we talk, we'll be kings.

Hoseok: great ones.

The two shared a finale smile and entered the throne room.


Guy: Everyone! I present to you, your new kings!

The crowd wasn't very excited. Everyone understand why  despite how the former king acted in his final years and views on omegas, he was still great. Crowned at the young age of 16 after losing his parents to a shatef sickness, king Chung-hee quickly got to work fixing things, such  as the economy, housing, and food.

When he married it was to a simple towns girl. No noble blood at all.

When asked what they admired about their kind, the citezens of Dionne always pointed out the love for well.. Love. If there was anything king valued most was unforced love.

Instead of cheering for their new rulers everyone took minute of silence then consoled and congratulated the new kings.

It's a start or a new era.

The Omega Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن