Gone for Something Better?

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"Togata!" Izuku shouted as he saw Mirio patiently waiting at the park, "Hey Deku!" Mirio exclaimed and began waving frantically, "So! Why'd you wanna meet?" He grinned.

Izuku's expression fell and he did his best to quickly fix it before Mirio noticed, "I just wanted to hang out ya know? How are you? Being quirkless now...?"

Mirio laughed lightly, "As I said... I'll adjust to it and keep smiling as Sir wanted me to! I'll still be a great hero one day! I believe in what Sir said and I won't let him down!" He grinned confidently, "I believe in you Togata..." Izuku smiled. In return, he received another wave of pain, "Gah!" Izuku shouts, clutching his sides, "Are you okay?!" Mirio asks, concerned, "I-I'm f-fine." He groans.

"Get going, Izuku," Mikumo growls,

"I am, Calm down." Izuku retorts.

Mirio and Izuku head to a fast food place and Izuku presses Mirio to sit down while he gets the food.

"How am I supposed to get away with putting hair in his food?" Izuku mutters in disgust.

"It doesn't have to be hair, Spit in his burger or something." Mikumo snickers. Izuku wrinkles his nose and does as suggested, "Dear God..."

Izuku walks back to the table and smiles sheepishly while placing the tray of food down. Izuku stares at Mirio as he bites into his burger, "You're not gonna eat anything?" Mirio asks, "No...I lost my appetite..." Izuku mutters.

"Now all we have to do is wait..." Mikumo chuckles.

Izuku sighs and stares out the window...That was disgusting.


Izuku returns to the dormitory and glumly walks in, closing the door behind him, "Deku!" Ochako shouts and runs over to him followed by Tenya, "Where were you during Lunch Rush?"

"O-oh. I got a little sick and had to head to the infirmary" Izuku lies, "Oh! Well, are you feeling any better?"

Izuku stares at her for a second, "I- Um, No... I think I should go rest."

"You do that! Feel better Deku-Kun!" Ochako calls out as Izuku walks back to his dorm.

He throws his stuff and collapses onto his bed. He sighs and closes his eyes before drifting off to sleep.

"Good job, Izuku! I'm glad this all went through!" Mikumo says happily,

"It's not like I had a choice..." Izuku sighs. Mikumo is quiet for a moment before speaking again, "Look Izu...I hope I won't have to hurt you again but you seem to be cooperating well so I doubt It'll happen again. I want to at least be on good terms with you! Remember this is all for a good cause!" Mikumo says excitedly, "Good cause? Good Cause?! What's good about this? I just lost my quirk! How am I supposed to be in UA anymore? The school for people with Quirks." Izuku shouts, "Calm down, Izu, and I know you know that was never your quirk. The whole point of this is so I can help you get your quirk!"

"I-...Well, even if you can get me, My quirk... How will we explain my sudden quirk change to the school?"

"You won't need to!" Mikumo grins, placing his gloved hands on his hips, "Huh? Why?" Izuku questions, "Nevermind that. I don't think you're ready for that right now." Mikumo tells him, "So~ I want you to trust me and listen to me. I know we got off on a bad start and my first impression wasn't very pleasant...But! I promise I won't hurt you unless it's absolutely necessary!" Mikumo promises, holding out his hand, "I promise it will turn out better in the end. Are you willing to trust me?" Mikumo asks, "Not a pleasant first impression my ass. You tried to kill me! How do I know you won't actually kill me?" Izuku growls. He receives another shock in return, "Well then I guess you don't have any choice but to listen to me then!" He snickers. Izuku stares at his hand,

"You don't have a choice."

Izuku looks at Mikumo Ushia and grabs his hand, "That's more like it." Mikumo grins, "Thank You for your cooperation Izuku, I'm looking forward to our partnership!" Mikumo chuckles jokingly, "Well, I don't think I've let you sleep properly yet! Well, I'll leave you be now...Good night Izuku."

"Good Night," Izuku hisses before he's left with nothing but him and his dreams.

Izuku woke up the next morning feeling relaxed and rested despite what happened. He let the conversation of last night sink back into his memory and he remembered everything. He felt his quirk slowly draining, it was an odd feeling. He could feel how it seemed weaker than before. His gut twisted. Izuku grit his teeth and bit back a growl. He had woken up on time this morning and he was able to properly shower and get ready. Though he was told not to worry, It still bothered him how quickly One for All was draining from him, "How come One for All is draining so quickly? Unlike All Might and I, It took a while for his power to completely drain" He thought out loud.

"Hmm, I'm not exactly sure. I don't know much about One for All but I think it has to do with how long you had it. All Might had it for 10 maybe 20 years and you've had it for a less amount of time."

"I don't remember asking you," Izuku says bitterly,

"Whatever, You asked it out loud and I decided to answer," Mikumo said. Izuku scoffed in annoyance and then accidentally ran into someone and accidentally knocking them to the ground, "Oh! Sorry!" The person said, "It's okay."

Izuku looked down and helped up Ochako, "Good morning Deku. Are you feeling better? You look...a little better than last night."

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better." Izuku chuckled, "D-do you want to walk to school together?" Ochako stuttered, "Uh, Sure!" Izuku answered. They walk in silence for a while, "She totally likes you." Mikumo comments, snickering. This causes Izuku to growl out loud earning a confused glance from Ochako, "S-sorry I just have a bit of a stomach ache, but it'll go away so don't worry." Izuku tells her. He sighs and rolls his eyes at Mikumo's obnoxious assumption, "I'm serious! Do you not see the way she looks at you? You can't be that dense Izu!" Mikumo sighs. Izuku sighs quietly and he and Ochako continue to walk to school.

Mikumo was very helpful with lessons during the day but Izuku was very doubtful if he could trust him even a little bit. Izuku decided to skip lunch again so he could talk with Mikumo. Once he was alone again he spoke out, "Mikumo?"

He was left in silence for a moment and Izuku was slightly hopeful, "Ushia?"

A minute passed and Izuku began thinking he might have actually left.

"Sorry, Izuku! I was doing something heh. What's up?" Mikumo's voice rang. Izuku growled, "So what do you need?" Mikumo asked.

"Can you just- I- Actually. What's your quirk?" Izuku muttered,

"Well, I thought that would be obvious by now, but my quirk is Mindbreaker, I can enter people's minds like I am now, and basically do whatever I want with that person's brain. I can talk to you like this and show up in your dreams or hurt you if I wanted Haha! Cool right?" He replies, darkly.

"Yeah sure. Can you read my mind?"

"Well, no. Though I'm sure if I train my quirk hard enough I'll be able to! Also, maybe one day I can make people see things! That'd be cool too." Mikumo said confidently.

"Deku-Kun?" A voice sounded from the other corner. Ochako turns and faces Izuku sitting on the ground, "U-um. Are you talking to yourself?"

"Um. No. I-I'm on my phone." Izuku smiles sheepishly, "Oh. Um okay. I was just wondering where you were. You haven't been coming to the table." Ochako points out, "Oh. Sorry, I'll come tomorrow."

"Okay!" She smiles suspiciously and walks away.

"Izuku..." Mikumo says, his voice had dropped into a serious tone and it scared him, "I think it's time we talk about getting your quirk."

WhispersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora