Find Him

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Izuku awoke the next morning with an odd feeling. Though he slept the entire night, he felt slightly more fatigued than usual. He rubbed his eyes and laid back onto his bed, wanting to stay there much longer. He didn't have anything else to do anyway. That girl...was Sakura? He wondered when that memory took place. Mikumo seemed way more...tame. What confused Izuku more is that He and Sakura seemed like good friends who enjoyed each other's company, so why would he kill her? He wondered if there was a way to avoid Mikumo from snooping around in his head and contact Chihiro to get more information.

Wait...No. He already promised himself he wouldn't do that. Though, Mikumo seemed in a good mood so would he let it slide this time? He wasn't very sure.

A buzz from his phone pulled him out of his thoughts and he sluggishly picked it up and looked at the screen. He panicked when he saw he had received a message from All Might.

'Young Midoryia I need to speak with you. It's important.'

Izuku didn't know if he should reply or not. He didn't really want to talk to his old mentor right now.

'It's about your quirk'

Oh. He had forgotten about that.

Panic began to creep in as he realized he most likely found out Mirio had it now.

'What about it?'

Izuku didn't know what playing dumb could do for him.

'You know what I'm talking about. This is serious.'


Izuku threw his phone and curled up on his bed again. He wasn't in the mood to do anything really so he went back to sleep. Izuku woke up to a bit of ruckus coming from outside his room. He heard his mother speaking and Izuku rolled around on his bed. Was she on the phone? He froze when he heard another voice speak up. He sat up and listened in,

"Yes, there are some very important matters I need to discuss with him. Is he home right now?"

"Oh, yes. He's in his room, So I'll go get him."

All Might came to his house?! Was it really that serious?

Izuku shot out of bed and locked his door at the same moment his mother knocked on it, "Izuku, someone's here to see you. Could you get dressed and come out here please?" She said softly.

"Uh, I- I can't."

"Why not?"

"I think I'm really sick and it's probably contagious."

Really? That's what he decided to say?

"Oh no, honey... Though I'm sure it's not, so if you come out, I can make you some soup and get you some medicine while you talk."

"Um, I'd rather not. I look terrible and I'd just be coughing in his face the entire time. Surely, that doesn't sound nice so I'll just stay in here."

Izuku threw on some clothes quickly and went to his window. He heard his mother try and turn the doorknob and he looked around in panic. He didn't have any shoes, and it'd suck to climb outside barefoot.

"Izuku? Why is the door locked?"

Izuku put on another pair of socks and opened his window, he cursed to himself because this was probably a really bad idea.

"Izuku? What are you doing?"

He jumped out the window and shut it behind him and began running down the street. He sighed because he probably looked really stupid right now.

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