Who are you?

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Izuku drearily opens his eyes and looks around. He's laid in the infirmary and Aizawa-Sensei and Recovery Girl are chatting quietly and Aizawa mumbles something with a concerned and frustrated look on his face. Recovery Girl sighs and shakes her head. Izuku slowly tries to get up but he collapses roughly back onto the bed as a piercing pain shoots through him from his abdomen. He lets out a strained scream and a choked sob and writhes in pain. Both Aizawa and Recovery Girl's heads turn to face him with surprise. Aizawa steps towards the bed, "Midoriya?"

Izuku takes a deep inhale and looks at his teacher, "Are you okay?"

Izuku avoids eye-contact and turns over to face the wall, "What happened...?"

Recovery Girl steps in, "You expelled a lot of blood and passed out. I can't find what's wrong. Your condition and the results don't match up. I'm working on it and I'll be sure to figure out what's wrong and cure you. Don't worry..." Recovery Girl says with a quiet tone. She picks up her paper and sighs in exasperation. Aizawa stares at the broken boy before leaving.

Later that day, Izuku was able to get himself out of the bed and pathetically drag himself back to his room in the dormitory. Everyone gives him worried glances as he trudges to the elevator. When he arrives in his room, a painfully annoying voice perks up in his head, "Wow! You look like shit!" He laughs. Izuku grits his teeth, "What's happening to me?" He growls, "How should I know? I haven't been here for a while!"

"You have something to do with it! I know it!" Izuku shouts, "Hahahaa! Calm down! No need to get angry! You'll only hurt yourself more!"

Izuku sits on the floor, "You're supposed to be helping me! What are you doing?"

"I am helping you!"


Mikumo laughs and it echos in his head as if they were inside of some eerie empty building.

He doesn't know what's going on. He's filled with doubt and pain and nothing feels right anymore. How...How can he get rid of Mikumo? He'll tell someone! He has to. He can't take it anymore...

But, if he tells someone...All Might would most likely find out too and what will he think when he realizes Izuku gave up One for All so easily because a voice in his head told him to...

Izuku regrets every last bit and every decision he made since Mikumo came along. What's he planning? What's his real goal?

Before Izuku could think more about his situation, He heard a knock at his door. Izuku inhaled and tried to make sure when he answered the door, he wouldn't look like he just died and came back from the grave.

When he answered the door, there stood Iida and Todoroki, "Midoriya!" Iida exclaimed. Izuku flinched at his loud voice, "Ah, my apologies. We came up here to tell you to join everyone for dinner. We are aware you are unwell and we know a great meal would help. So, on behalf of everyone in the dormitory, there is a large meal waiting for you downstairs. Sato, Todoroki, and Bakugou even helped out with the main foods! It would be wonderful for you to join us!" Iida explained, proudly. Izuku was a bit shocked about this and felt a little guilty about the things he thought about his friends. Maybe he really did mishear that conversation during Lunch rush. They did go through all this trouble to make a meal like this after all. Izuku smiled and nodded, "I'll be down with you!"

Iida grinned and Todoroki looked a little relieved at his answer. Izuku followed them down to the main room and everyone was gathered at the tables near the couches. They all looked up happily after spotting Izuku enter the room. Izuku sat down with everyone with a sheepish smile as he looked at all the good food. There was a hot pot, Tempura, and some Soba too (courtesy of Todoroki), "Gosh, It looks like we're having a party." Izuku laughed, "It's a get well party!" Mina exclaimed, "Yeah, man. You've been looking like you were dying for the past weeks and you keep disappearing to your room."

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