Mikumo Ushia

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[This chapter was re-worked to fit better with the corresponding story. So it was changed up a bit]

It had all begun with a villain encounter than a dream...

Deku, Uravity, Ground Zero, and Shoto made their way into the streets. They may just be highschool students but this isn't the first time they've dealt with a villain. They're more capable than these villains think!

Deku and Ground Zero jumped in first, Ground Zero setting off large explosions at one of the villains. The four Hero's-in-training did their best to take down the villains as the police made their way to the incident. Deku powered up his quirk and kicked the villain to the side. The four of them fought together to immobilize the group of villains and the last one, Deku took down with a flashy show of strength. The police arrive not that much longer after the four of them had restrained the villains. They all smiled in triumph. Deku was proud he had gotten so strong with the help of his quirk. They all made their way back, but along the way, Deku noticed a figure nearby. He tried to focus his eyes on it to see what it was. It was an outline of a person but it disappeared before Deku could see any more.

That night after Izuku had settled into his bed. He met someone.






Izuku shoots up, He violently looks around expecting to see his room but all he sees is darkness. Someone is calling him and he can hear their calls from a distance. Izuku stands up and begins walking, he doesn't know where. Suddenly a pair of footsteps sound behind him, and Izuku begins to walk faster, the footsteps sound faster. It doesn't take long for him to break into a run, he feels afraid. What could be chasing him?

Whatever was behind him is now chasing him, their feet hitting the ground, sending echos throughout... where ever the hell he is. Izuku loses balance and trips. The running behind him comes to a halt and it starts slowly walking towards him. Izuku tries to activate his quirk to defend himself but nothing happens, as a horrible feeling of dread overcomes him. He knows this feeling when he was...quirkless. Izuku tears up. Not again, everything he worked for will be lost and he'd let All Might down...All Might, "Get Up. This is pathetic." A voice hisses. Izuku gets to his knees, his head still hung low. He slowly looks to his side at the person. He was a strange boy who looked about Izuku's age, and the boy is stretching his hand to him, "W-who are you?"

"My name is Mikumo Ushia, Call me either name, I don't mind."

"I don't understand...Wh-Why are you here?" Izuku shudders. Mikumo was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and a black polo covering it and black gloves, a face mask pulled down to his chin and his dull red eyes...they're the eyes of a killer. He's caught in his gaze and it reminds him of nothing more than death and misery. He had dark messy black hair that stuck up in different directions as if it hadn't been combed in ages.

"I'm here to fix..." He looks at Izuku and a small smirk is tugging at his lips, "You!"

Izuku looks at himself confused. Mikumo chuckles, "You seem a little confused! I only want to help you! Look, I know everything about your little One for All. To be honest, it's pretty damn powerful!"

"W-what? How do you know about that?"

"It's pretty obvious, annnd~ I may have done a little memory surfing. That was pretty tiresome but I now I know what I wanted to know!"


"Stand up Dammit!" Mikumo shouts, causing Izuku to flinch violently and stand up. Mikumo pinches the bridge of his nose, "Look, I want you to know. This isn't you. Using someone else's power?" He scoffs, "We'll give that up because we're going to use Your Power." He grins as they face eye to eye.

Izuku shoots up from his bed, drenched in a cold sweat, "My...Power?" He mutters to himself. This was too vivid to be just a dream, "Give up One for All?" He breathes. He turns to check his clock only to jump up when he realizes the time, "Dammit!" He curses and quickly throws on his uniform before grabbing his stuff and dashing out the door.

He throws open the door to classroom 1-A and stood there panting for a while, "Midoriya, Glad you could finally join us." Aizawa-sensei said nonchalantly. Izuku stared at him then bowed, "I apologize for being late!" He exclaimed then rushed over to his seat.

Aizawa rolls his eyes and continues teaching. Izuku was getting back into routine and he felt the tiredness and anxiety from the dream slip away. He entered his math class with Ectoplasm and sat down in his assigned seat, writing down in his notebook as Ectoplasm went over the lesson. As he was concentrated on the lesson, a voice interrupted from the back of his mind causing him to yelp in surprise, "Izuku"

The class turned to face him and the teacher went quiet. Izuku buried his face in his arms in embarrassment as Ectoplasm continued the lesson and a few students giggled. Izuku looked up and wildly whipped his head around to find the source of the voice, "You can't see me, Idiot. I'm in your head." The voice sighed. Izuku froze, it wasn't just a dream after all. He lowered his head into his arms and spoke quietly, "Mikumo...?"

"Oh, so you do remember me!" Mikumo chuckled,

"Of course I do. It's hard to forget all that stuff you told me last night...What did you mean by that?" Izuku questioned.

Mikumo sighed in exasperation, "I mean, give up All Might's power!"

"WHAT?!" Izuku shouts. The room grows silent again and he earns more stares. Izuku's face burns red in embarrassment once again, "Let's talk about this later..."

"Good choice" Ushia scoffs.


After class was lunch rush, and Izuku decided to wander off alone to speak with Ushia. Once he turned the corner to an empty hallway he called for Ushia, "Mikumo?"

"I'm still here."

Izuku sighs and speaks again, "Why should I give up One for All just because you told me to?"

"Why do you think?" Mikumo scoffs accusingly, "It's not your power and besides the risk of the power being stolen if One for All is leaked, It'll make you look weak compared to your enemies. Such strong power yet makes you look small compared to the others. You should trust me! I'm going to make your life even better!"

Izuku is still trying to process all this in his head, All of a sudden some random person comes from nowhere possesses his mind, then tells him he's pathetic and needs to give up All Might's power. An odd compelling desire to comply with this stranger's wishes overwhelms him. It doesn't feel normal.

Suddenly a pulse of pain shoots through his body causing him to scream but a cruel laugh sounds over it, "Man, I'd hate to keep hurting you like this but if you don't listen I'm going to have to make your life very hard for you."

Izuku gasps for air as he clutches his stomach and tries to prevent himself from vomiting, "Who would I give it to then? I can't possibly give it back to All Might." Izuku manages to choke out through the lingering pain, "Then find someone else suitable! You know All Might's first choice anyways, Mirio Togata. You'd be doing him a favour anyways."

"B-but last time...well, he said he didn't want it," Izuku informs before pain ripped through him again causing him to scream. He holds back tears and vomit, "Did I ask you if he wanted it or not? You found someone now do as you're told." Mikumo hisses menacingly. Izuku should tell someone about this. One of the teachers could help him!

In response to that thought, his body is violently shocked, "Oh, and don't even think about telling anybody!" Mikumo sneers.

Izuku grips his stomach and struggles to get back on his feet, "Okay... I'll do it..."

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