Is it Reckless to have Hope?

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Izuku opens his eyes and squints when he's met with the blinding light of the sun. He groans at the pain in his head and he slowly gets up with a hand on his face,

"Jeez! You're finally awake! Took you long enough." He hears Chihiro scoff beside him. He looks around to see the two of them seated on a bench,

"What happened?"

Chihiro sighs, "You passed out in the building and the Sensei-san guy had to carry you out of there. He's off buying drinks or something. Glad you're finally awake because we were getting weird looks for two older people carrying around an unconscious 14-year-old."

"I'm 16."

"Oh yeah? I hadn't noticed. You look like a child."

Izuku rolls his eyes and rubs the aching spot on his head. He must've hit his head pretty hard. He remembers what he saw and that must've been how Akane died. Izuku put a hand to his mouth and held back tears. He didn't feel good knowing how one of the victims died. He doesn't want to see those things. He didn't know the past victims but he still grieves for them. Death was something that felt so surreal to him but he's starting to understand it more.

"I'm back."

Izuku collects himself and looks up to Hasekura holding one drink,

"Hey! I thought we agreed on three drinks?"

"I felt like saving money."


He holds the drink in his hands and wraps his fingers around it, pulling a separate drink from it,

"Oh. I see."

He forms another one and hands the duplicated drinks to the other two, "Oh wow. Is that your quirk?" Izuku says with starry eyes, reaching near him but realizing he didn't have his notebook. He frowned in disappointment,

"Eh, a weak one."

Izuku was about to jump to Hasekura defence but he replied before he could say anything,

"Sure, but as a teacher, it came in handy. Copying worksheets was a lot faster than using the copier. Along with other things, like this pen I had. It was great and one of my favourites, so I copied it just in case I lost one. I also never ran short of papers or pencils so that was never a problem in my class."

Izuku nodded along, taking mental notes. Chihiro rolled her eyes, "That's cool."

"What's your quirk, Suzuki?"

She smirked, "I'm glad you asked. Also, you can call me Chihiro, I don't mind going on a first-name basis."

"Ah, okay. You can call me Izuku then."

Hasekura stayed silent as the two teens discussed, "My quirk is called Hunter. I can basically track anyone down and keep tabs on anyone I want. Say you're inside a building and I'm outside far away. I can target you and see exactly where you are in the building and how far away you are. Though I can only track someone I've specifically placed a target on which leads to my biggest regret." She tightens her hands into a fist, "I get so angry at myself that I didn't place a target on Mikumo as soon as I noticed something was wrong."

Izuku looked at her sympathetically and hesitantly put a comforting hand on her shoulder. She wiped at her eyes and looked away, "A-anyway, what happened back there? Why did you pass out?"

Izuku swallowed, "Oh. Well, I saw blood on the wall. I passed out and saw something." He glanced hesitantly at Hasekura, "It was Yamazaki." Hasekura looked shocked and then his face twisted into a look of grief, "Are you saying the blood was his?"

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