Comfort And Hugs

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It had been awhile since Error moved. He didn't want to, and for once, he was okay with feeling the touch of another, even if he was the one touching    Y/n. But, when Y/n wakes up and if she ever gives him a hug, well, he'd be okay with Y/n touching him.

She is the only person that he'll allow to even be near him and touch him: for hugs or hand-holding.

"Huh, never pegged you for an affectionate type, Error." A voice sounded behind him and Error let go of Y/n's hand. He got to his feet and turned to face the voice, strings dropping from his fingers as he guarded Y/n and Exco, who were now both unconscious; the magic having taken a toll on Exco.

Cross stood in front of him, his arms crossed and his mask hiding his mouth but, Error could sense the amused smile that rested on his skull.

Error growled and used his strings on Cross, teleporting in front of him with a frown on his skull. "You won't tell anyone of this." He told Cross, "I-already took your soul once, no one can stop me from taking it again." He threatens as Cross looked nervous now, now he didn't like the fact that Error had his strings wrapped around his soul.

"Easy now, Error. You don't kill comrades unless they become a traitor, you know this." A familiar voice spoke from beside Y/n's bed. Error turned towards the other voice and let go of Cross's soul. He grabbed the owner of the voice with his strings and flung him away from Y/n and Exco's resting forms.

"Ow! What the hell Error! She's free EXP!" He shouted, the familiar strange liquid leaking from his sockets: Killer.

"In other circumstances, I would let you kill a human. But, this is the only human I won't let you hurt, Killer!" Error lied, he didn't know if Y/n was human, but he wasn't about to let Killer kill her.

Killer stepped out from the shadows, smiling creepily. The fear that once consumed him gone: he wanted Nightmare back to normal.

"Wow, you won't let Killer kill this human?" Cross asked, amused. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with Error?" Cross teased as he let out a laugh. It was probably something Chara said since neither Killer or Error said anything.

"Who is going to kill who now?" Nightmare said venomously as he leaned against the open doorway, his tendrils lashing with suppressed anger: he witnessed everything the moment Cross appeared in Y/n's room. He just went to go check on her and Error, instead, he found this.

"B-Boss. I didn't know you were here. Error has lost it! He said to not kill this human!" Killer told Nightmare, hands gripping his knife in anger and fear.

"That's because I told him not to." Nightmare growled and wrapped a tendril around Killer and Cross's neck, effectively choking them. Nightmare watched them gasp for air, his anger only rising more.

"W-What did I do?" Cross managed to get out, coughing and gasping.

"You knew Killer was there and you didn't do anything to try to stop him." Nightmare growled as he added more pressure, watching as they struggled more; clawing at his tendrils uselessly.

"Would you calm down? I'm not dead yet." A scratchy voice spoke through the commotion.

Everyone's attention turned towards the voice: it was Y/n. She was awake. A loud gasp echoed down the hallway and into Y/n's room and a golden blur went across everyone's field of vision. Y/n let out a groan and Exco let out a hiss of protest, slithering away from the golden blur and Y/n.

"Easy there, Goldy. I'm still gathering my energy. And, the external wound may be gone but internal, not so much." Y/n chuckled humorlessly.

"Goldy?" Dream blushed at the nickname, clearly confused and somewhat happy. He remembered Y/n calling him that the first time they met.

"Dream? Why did y-" Geno peered into Y/n's room from the doorway and cut himself off once he saw. Y/n awake. She was actually awake. It's only been a day since she was unconscious but, he missed her so much.

Geno ran past Nightmare; ignoring Cross and Killer entirely as he jumped into Y/n's outstretched arm, the other holding Dream.

"Calm down ya ghost. I'm okay." Y/n spoke, resting her head on Geno's skull as he shook, crying into her blood-stained clothes.

"Y/n, my radical dudette, is awake?" Fresh yelled from the hallway as he teleported on the bed, muttering "Sorry, my radical snake." Fresh smiled at Y/n before teleporting away, ignoring the glare from Error.

Not a second later everyone else ran into or teleported to Y/n's room. Ganz and Red managed to hug Y/n while crying happy tears.

Ink and Classic glared at Killer and Cross, not liking the fact that they were here (especially Killer, from his comment earlier). It also set off alarms when they saw that Nightmare was choking them with a creepy smile as Error only watched.

It also set off more alarms when they saw Exco hissing and glaring at Killer from under him, circling his strangled form with murderous intent.

"What did they do?" Ink asked Nightmare, hands on his paintbrush as he took a battle stance.

"Must have been something bad if Nightmare is attempting to strangle them." Classic spoke, rolling his pinpricks before it settled on Y/n. His smile widened and became less forced.

"Killer and Cross were attempting to kill Y/n while she was unconscious." Nightmare growled and dropped them on the ground, ignoring their pained groans.

"WHAT!?" Everyone yelled as pinpricks glared at Cross and Killer, who did not only look nervous but, also scared. Nightmare's smile widened at this and Dream frowned, knowing Nightmare was enjoying this.

Exco was currently biting Killer and was curled around his throat, strangling him while biting any bit of bone it could find. Killer yelled and tried to get Exco off him. Dream helping him even if he wasn't happy with what Killer attempted to do.

Y/n snapped her fingers and Exco immediately released Killer and slithered off him, going straight to Y/n with an angry hiss.

Dream sighed in relief.


Click: Exco! No strangling anyone else you hear me!

Cryptic: Don't listen to them, okay? You keep attacking those who dare hurt Y/n, okay.

Click: Don't encourage them!

Cryptic: Too late! I have fueled their rage.

(AU Sans x Reader) Unknown Bond Mixed With Puns *Being rewritten/edited*Where stories live. Discover now