Answers With More Shockveins

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Y/n watched the skeletons with her arms crossed, watching for any sudden movement they would - or will - make. Y/n made no sound; the only sound heard is her calm breathing, the skeletons' sharp breaths - save for the masked one, who was breathing raggedly from being strangled by Exco only moments ago. Y/n made no movement, she had a feeling that even the slightest moment from her and Exco: they would (or will) attack, hell even a single unconscious-twitch-of-the-hand would set them off - so, she waited silently for an answer and she'll go by any means necessary to get one, that is, if she'll ever get one: she won't hesitate to use force.

She watched the blue skeleton's pinpricks dart around; either on her, past her, on Exco, or around the room. She knew that the skeletons' fight or flight instincts were kicking in - that is if skeletons even have instincts - and Y/n was prepared for either outcome; she'll fight if they decide to attack (which wasn't the best idea - for the skeletons that is, or her considering she doesn't know what they can do) and if they decide to flee, she'll simply let them go, not without a few bruises and breaks as reminders to stay the hell away . . . forever.

I just want to be left alone. Is that too much to ask?

She didn't even know why they decided to invade her quiet and meaningless house - there's nothing here to take; and nothing to earn except a few bruises and broken bones from their mistake - their mistake to break into her house, especially with her and Exco home.

And they have the audacity to glare at her no less - to be angered at her as if it was her fault that they were here; Exco was still baring its fangs at them, a sizzling noise akin to something getting electrocuted emitting from its mouth. Y/n could have sworn that blue-sparks were coming out of the back of its throat - she was learning new things about Exco every other day wasn't she?

Speaking of Exco, she glanced at it from behind her blindfold, seeing that it was still giving the skeletons (Mostly the masked one) a death glare; a glare that meant that they should listen or perish - a glare at combated with the blue and masked skeletons' glares.

If the skeletons have any sense at all; they will listen to that glare. But, Y/n had a feeling that the skeletons lack common sense - at least Ink and the masked one, the blue skeleton seems to have an aura of awareness around him: he was aware of the unknown territory he was in - and would rather attack than see if she was a threat or not.

Y/n turned her attention back to blue skeleton. She swore she saw something - something familiar in his stance, something that seemed to pierce her very soul. She felt something rush through her soul at that moment: a splinter of pain. But, she doesn't care for that right now - back to the skeleton's stance.

She looked at his stance; one foot in front of the other, as if he was prepared to leap back or jump forward (Y/n wondered why a skeleton would wear pink slippers, but then again, it does look comfortable): That's different! That's unique!

Zane. I wonder what you'd think of this - you'd probably either be yelling at them (in a non-threatening way considering the fact that you have no hate or anger in your heart - at least, none that I could see - except maybe for your "mother" if you would even call a parent like that that) or you'd be giving me that playful glare that meant 'Don't you dare attack them or I'll never talk to you again' and I'd probably listen since I couldn't stand the thought of you not . . . talking to me . . . anymore.

She saw his smiling face in her mind: orange hair, closed eyes, and a prominent smile with his two fangs sticking out - like he was an orange vampire.

The splinter buzzed with pain again - the same pain as before; an annoying feeling: no, not again. Go away damnit, the pain is not needed or wanted. I know I'm not supposed to be feeling this, to be feeling anything: you don't need to stab me every time I feel something.

(AU Sans x Reader) Unknown Bond Mixed With Puns *Being rewritten/edited*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant