Rumple looked over at her and gave her a look to make her quiet. "Well, if only we can see it then it has to do with blood magic."

"But then it would make sense-" Reese cut herself off by looking at Rumple. "But we haven't seen- well, in centuries. Why now? Why did it have to make me feel insane?"

"Who?" Emma asked. "Who is making you feel insane?"

Reese looked at the savior and shrugged, "We don't know. We're trying to figure that out because whatever that thing," she pointed to shadow- who was just chilling in a corner- and continued, "is here for... It can't be good and it seemed to have wormed its way into my nightmares, so that's fun."

"Why would it do that?" Rumple asked her, she shook her head. He took her hand in his and faced the Charmings. "Finish getting ready and come down."

"Alright." Emma responded and looked at Henry- who was confused. "Come on, kid. Let's finish getting our stuff together."


"How could he do this to you?" Rumple questioned Reese. "He is supposed to protect you. Not make your life a living hell."

"No, he didn't make my life a living hell; Cade did, and you can't seriously believe that he is the only one who was taking a part in this. I still don't know how he even knows what has been going on in my life. He has been gone for CENTURIES, Rumple. How does the great-"

"We're ready." Emma interrupted as he and Henry came down to the car. She realized that Reese and Rumple were in- what seemed like- an argument and continued by saying, "are we interrupting something?"

"No." Reese responded as she got into the car. She slammed the door shut and that scared Emma and Henry.

"Is she okay?" Henry questioned Rumpelstiltskin. He looked over and saw that Reese was sitting in the car using her magic angrily.

Rumple smiled and said, "She's just been having a rough time lately. I think she'll be okay soon. Bae always made her smile when he was younger, so hopefully he is still able to do that."

"But what if he's not able to do that?"

"Yeah, he hasn't seen her in years. How do you even know if she has a connection with him?" Emma questioned.

"I don't know, Miss Swan. I just want to get my son and my twin back. Is that so hard to ask for? I searched and searched for decades for them both, and I was never able to find either of them. Now, I have my twin back but she's having a rough time and she has never been the kind of person to ask for help, but she desperately needs some. If I could give her some moments of happiness with my son- I will."

"Couldn't she try and have a child of her own?"

"That's complicated, dearie. Plus that isn't my story to tell." He looked down at his watch and said, "we better start heading out."

Rumple opened up his trunk and helped Emma put her and Henry's things in the back. He then closed the trunk and walked over to the driver's seat. Once he got in the car, Reese exhaled.

"Well, you guys took forever to get in the car." Reese responded. "What were you guys even talking about?"

"Nothing, Reese. Can you just hand me Bae's shawl?" Rumple asked his sister. She nodded her head and grabbed the shawl that was in her bag. She wrapped it around his shoulders and smiled.

As they started driving, Emma's son, Henry asked, "So... Where are we going?"

"Logan International Airport." Rumple responded.

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