13#That girls

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In the next day the boys were going to practice the coreograph and invited you two to see it

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In the next day the boys were going to practice the coreograph and invited you two to see it.

You and Chunhua get excited during the practice and the two of you doesn't know how to act seeing so much talent.

At the last time they were training,you and she start singing the song as long as they were dancing,giving to them more energy,what made everyone get excited.

And the practice ended.

Seokjin - Woow I wonder if we get so much energy on the stage thanks to our fans passion,cheering for us.

Taehyung - Yeah,when I'm on the stage I just think I should do my best for our fans that are supporting us in so many ways.

Junkook - I don't know you guys,but I want the two of her there and see us on the stage some day.

(y/n) - W-who? Us?!

Jungkook - Yes,Chunhua and you.

Namjoon - That will be soo good!

Jimin - Right?! I can't wait to have they at the show!

Yoongi - We can invite them to our new album debult!

Hoseok - That's right!

They all have a break,and started talking excited,so they decided to get food and water. Four of the menbers left the room to get it,and Jin,Hoseok and Yoongi stayed here with you and Chunhua.

Chunhua started praticing with Hoseok and Seokjin that looked having fun,she tried to copy they coreograph,but she wasn't going well at all,so it made Seokjin and Hoseok laugh brightly,while you was watching them having fun, Yoongi was sat on the coach using his mobilephone. So you quickly remenbered that Yoongi had a hard time making lyrics on the last night,and then looked at him.

(y/n) - ...Yoongi.

Yoongi - Yes?

(y/n) - How was it yesterday,did you get some rest?

Yoongi - Yeah...Thanks to you I could pull myself together.

Yoongi - I finished the lyric.

(y/n) - Really?!

(y/n) - It's good to hear it!

Yoongi - Here.

He brings hes Mobilephone and showed you the lyric.

(y/n) - ...Wooow,not bad at all haha.

You smile.

(y/n) - What a beautiful lyric...

(y/n) - You're so talented...all of you...

Yoongi - You are too!

Yoongi - I dare to say that you personality is pure talent too.

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