10#Practicing with Hoseok

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(y/n) - Thank you very much,you helped me a lot,really

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(y/n) - Thank you very much,you helped me a lot,really.

Hoseok - You're welcome,if there is something about coreograph you're having dificulties,do not hesitate in telling me that.

He says smiling at you sweetly that you can't help yourself and smile back to him.

(y/n) - ....

(y/n) - I have to go now. Sorry about the hour,we would end sooner.

Hoseok - Don't worry about it.

He says still smiling sweetly.

Hoseok - Hurry,go get some rest.

(y/n) - Right!

You standed up and went quickly straight the door and opened it,but stopped and turned your face at him again.

(y/n) - ...Hoseok.

Hoseok -Uhm?

He looked at you.

(y/n) - Thanks a lot again.

You didn't wait for his reply and close the door quickly and hesited for a second behind it,but a moment later you go back to your dorm.

In the next day the boys had a Vlive video to make at 12:00pm,and called you two to see they making it. And of course,Chunhua and you went behind the cameras to not appear in the video,and remain quietly.

Suddenly you eyes catch Hoseok's,whon was almost sleeping and when sees you,he opened a big eye.

(y/n) - He looks a bit exausted...

You murmured for yourself.

Chuhua - Who?

You got surprised that Chunhua heared you.

(y/n) - NO! NO,Its nothing...hahahaha.

Namjoon - Who are going to open the video?

Seokjin - Me! I am.

Namjoon - OK!

So they started the live and talking with the fans.

Seokjin - Hello! How are you doing my lovely Armys?

Seokjin - We are in a break right now,and we wanted to share this moment with you all.

Taehyung - Uhm..? ....HuaJiminchin...

Jimin - What did you called me of?

Taehyung - OH! I was just reading a FanProfile's name lololol...ours fans are really creative...

Taehyung - Someone asked how is the MV going...

Seokjin - Oh,It's being really hard,but it's fun.

Seokjin - There are a few things we still have to do to finish our MV.

Taehyung - Yesterday we recorded the singing part and today were going to make the dance feat version video.

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