He Would Be Proud of Us

Start from the beginning

They're cool I guess.

"Hinata, why so quiet?" The small girl jerked her head back when Kiba spoken to her, facing near her face. Her face flushed pink like usual when she gets embarrassed. She nervously brought her eyes up to look at Kiba.

"Go-Gomen." He pats her head. Neji smacked Kiba's hand away in that second. Kiba glared at him then fixed his face with a smile as he looked down at Hinata.

"You're coming to the party Hinata?!" Ino exclaimed. Tenten nodded her head while planting her hands on the said girl's shoulders. Hinata turned her gaze at me. We stared for a minute. I eyed the calm Sakura. She busy herself by looking at the sky. I looked up at the changing sky too and glanced at the tower school clock.

"I'm leaving. It's getting dark." I turned.

"It's only four." Naruto yelled.

"Sasuke!" Sakura joined in and whined. Naruto and Sakura jumped on my back.




When Itachi told us about that certain upcoming gift, he came back months ago saying how he proposed to his college girlfriend. Mom wept in joy.

This night, the girl decided to visit for dinner to meet the family. I got to say. She was amazing. Her long brunette hair touch below her elbows. Her eyes were dark chocolate.

"What's your name?" Mother asked. The girl sitting across from me just smiled. Itachi held her hand. Showing off the silver band on her finger.

"Ayame." He said it very softly. I could tell. I could see love in his eyes. She giggled silently.

When she talks, words didn't exactly come from her lips. I didn't expect that. Pretty much a soundless conversation. Almost like she's whispering to us. Well, nothing comes out. Sometimes I moved closer or adjusted my seat to her when she's talking to me. Still no words come out.

She smiled every time Itachi gestured his hands. She replies with the different hand movements.

I realized. She's mute and death.

After dinner, they planned to leave but mom somehow persuaded for them to stay. The girl couldn't refuse. She fell in love with mom. She admired mom. She helped mom with cleaning after dinner and tried to follow what she's saying.

"She's not deaf, Sasuke." Itachi told me.

"I-I didn't say that."

"You assumed. Not all mute people are deaf. Like not all deaf people are mute. Yet, one ear is death though, she's able to read lips too." I nodded my head. I get it. But why did he choose her.

"Why her? Out of every girl in college."

"We met at the hospital when you had your surgery. She had hers on the same day. Before her surgery, we talked. She told me she was adopted. She lived with a lovely family. Her real folks abused her that she needed surgery. That led to her losing her voice and hearing in one ear." He stared at the ground grimly.

Itachi lost contact with her after she discharged from the hospital before me. College came around and he immediately stood beside her like two pieces of tape when he saw her. She works as a chef in her new family restaurant around here but she went away to study. They done everything together for the sake to not be apart again. They were in love. I guess.

When he said that he blushed. I felt warmth on my cheeks. I coughed to make the room not so awkward.

"You talk too much." I muttered.

"I forgot how useful words can be when I don't use it as offend. I miss talking." Itachi rest his chin on top of his palms. A kind smile plastered on his lips.

"What do you me?"

"I barely speak since I'm using sign language. It was worth it." He told me he sacrificed some months to take some sign language class. He mentioned how broken people aren't some project. They're pretty much interesting and challenging to have in a life to know they're also special with dreams and life.

The two slept in Itachi's old room. It's awkward. To know that my own brother already planning to get marry.

I missed this. Missed my brother being home. He still has his old habits. He peeks in my room at the middle of the night. He thought I was sleep but I wasn't. He shut the door and went down stairs for a glass of milk. I know its milk. He always drinks a glass before heading to bed. That's how my brother is.

The next day, the two got ready to leave. Mom hugged her soon to be daughter in law. I waved. She suddenly pulled me in for a squeeze. Itachi told me she said I was adorable. Ugh. But she was thinking about the younger version me.

She said I grown up handsome.

They left in his car. Mom suddenly broke down crying in my arms soon as we entered the house. Awkwardly, I sat her down on the couch. She cried how her boys are growing up. What mother wouldn't cry?

I chuckled as I wiped her face.

"Your father would be so proud."

"I bet he is." I hugged her. I thought about what Itachi said yesterday night.

Broken people...

Is it possible they give us strength? Am I broken too. I felt my mom wrapped her arm around my neck and her other hand on my beating chest. If I am broken, do I give them any strength to encourage me to keep on living.

I shut my eyes and sink in her warmth. If it's vice versa, I hope I'm giving as much strength to mother.

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