He Would Be Proud of Us

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After helping Kurenai sensei out with the books, Neji came in looking for Hinata. Hinata rushed to get her big backpack and gathered a few thin note books in her arms. She said her good byes to Kurenai and I when the bell rung.

I headed out before saying bye to Kurenai and went out in the back where the football field is located. I sat on the bleachers where I saw Naruto talking to the gang. Surprisingly, Neji was here standing next to the girl with buns on her head and Lee.

And her.

She was spacing out looking at the field while the others were chatting their mouths away. I came over and every eye were on me.

"My man!" Naruto unhooked his arm around Ino's waist and hugged me. I pushed him off.

"You're so gay." I muttered. Naruto laughed. Most of the others did too.

Naruto started talking about my baseball games. From the very start, I sucked. I thought my team hated me. Naruto even admitted that he was going to rough me up freshman year. Ino punched him saying he was awful. They all laughed and Naruto continued.

I could run from first to second base less than a minute for the other team have the time to pick up the ball that I hit.

Every game whenever I'm on the field, the ball is coming towards my section, I wouldn't hesitate to push someone out the way to catch it. I'm an average committed player. I did everything right. Except. When I'm the one batting up, I sacrifice to home base.

No one would ever see me standing on any base. I literally step on all the bases to make it home. I would not wait for my team to pitch and I sit on third base. Like home base is right there. People with agility must take the chance to get a home run, right?

Usually the crowd would cuss. And threaten me. My team would glare. Or even spit at my shoes. Sometimes my coach hollers at me to stay on third. Do I listen? No. Hell no. His face would turn bright red like a cherry. Sometimes purple. Or even blue.

That was my freshman year.

Since then, I never learned my lesson as a sophomore. For the whole season, I succeed running home without getting caught out of most games. Of course, my breath got in the way majority of time. Therefore, I ran through the neighborhood and park with Kiba and Naruto to train my speed and breathing. And what luck did I give my team at the end of the season. Trophies. Medals. A certificate. Be on the school's newspapers. Yup. It paid off.

They all doubted on my technique. Many, like my mother were worried. I grew even more fast by running for a couple of miles on the track field on the week days and around the park on the weekends. Or even use the gym sport equipment room. As I jog throughout the week, I try to balance my heart rate.

Eight times I was sent to the doctors from a heart burn for my first football baseball season. I told my mom it wasn't a big deal but she refuses to listen to me. I went either way. Doctor said I should take it easy. How easy? He told me to take some medication. I don't take the medicine he proscribed me to take. Only my best friend, inhaler. If my heart involve in it. Only the ones I constantly take daily.

Mom grew anxious.

Enough about me. Kiba soon came around to talk to Neji and his friends. Of course, about the party on Saturday night.

"Yeah. Some other people from two schools going to be there too." Everyone gave Lee an odd look.

"Three? Why them?" Kiba scrunched his face. Lee shook his head to wave off the uncomfortable mood Kiba was sending.

"They're cool people. Right, Neji and Tenten?" Neji shrugged his shoulders. Tenten told us about some of their friends in other schools they hung out with. I was a familiar with some names like Bee and Sai. Bee was known as a Dj. He goes around a lot. Naruto and I met Sai at an art museum. Naruto confused me and Sai because we wore the same beanie and color jacket.

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