Chapter 51-The Enemy's Plan Commences

Start from the beginning

The double doors opened revealing the bright quarters of the harem. It was just as crowded with semi naked people as before. In the middle of the room, sat Wei Xing. He was dressed in loose black robes. The front part of his robes were slightly open, revealing the taut muscles underneath. In his arms sat a young girl demon feeding him grapes while at his feet were a set of twins massaging his legs. Their eyes never left Wei Xing's face as they stared adoringly at him.

Xiu Xiang frowned at the scene before her. Was this really the Wei Xing that she knew? When did he become so... shamelessly smutty?

"Sit down," he ordered.

Xiu Xiang was rooted to the ground as she frowned at him. What was he planning? Why did he ask her to come to the harem?

"Sit down," he said again. This time he lifted his arm, pointing at her. She felt herself go weightless and against her well, she floated over to where Wei Xing sat. Wei Xing pointed to an empty cushion on his right and she immediately plopped down on it.

She wanted to get up but felt a heavy pressure fall down on her, forcing her to stay down. She instantly glared over to Wei Xing who completely ignored her. He turned to the group of dancers and motioned for them to start dancing.

Music flared up and the dancers started their routine. Xiu Xiang watched dully for a moment only to be constantly distracted by Wei Xing who was staring intently at her. It was as if he was waiting for something. When she finally turned to look at him, all she saw was Wei Xing staring adoringly at the women in his arms. He was even smiling at them!

The way he was acting, it was as if he was purposely trying to make her jealous. Of course, she knew that was impossible. He doesn't even remember her! Or does he...?

She was confused and angry at everything he was doing. The more she thought about it, the more she was sure that he does indeed know who she was. It was almost as if he was reenacting the time when she purposely provoked him within the harem, the only difference was their role had switched. He was purposely fooling around with the semi naked demons of the harem and she was the audience. She was even sitting in the same spot as he did back then. If he really does remember her, why didn't he just outright admit it?

A few servants came forward with trays of snacks and wine. Once the trays were placed before Xiu Xiang, they quickly backed away, afraid to block her view of the dance.

What was the point of making her jealous? She knows that he already has Bai Qing. Just what exactly was he going to get out of this? There was no way she was going to fall for his stupid plan. Xiu Xiang decided that she was going to enjoy herself. Food and wine were placed before her and there was even a show. Why shouldn't she enjoy herself?

She popped a few grapes into her mouth then poured herself a cup of wine. She gulped it down and quickly refilled her cup.

The intense music eventually calmed down. By then, Xiu Xiang was partially drunk. She closed her eyes and slowly swayed with the music. Suddenly remembering the time she provoked Wei Xing in the harem, she giggled with delight.

Her courage grew from the wine. She grabbed a male demon who sat nearby. She pulled him down to sit next to her side and laughed.

"Drink with me!" she chirped. She handed him the cup filled with wine. She was too drunk to notice the sheer horror plastered on the male demon's face. The cup that was about to reach the male demon's mouth suddenly shattered. Xiu Xiang frowned as she looked at her wine stained hand.

"What happened to my cup?" she released her hold on the male demon and grabbed the jar of wine. Before she could lift the jar of wine to the male demon's mouth, she felt herself float up in midair.

"Wha...?" She already felt dizzy from the wine and being tossed in the air made things even worse. The next thing she knew, she fell onto a warm lap.

"You dare to touch another man right in front of me?" came a sharp voice.

Xiu Xiang squinted her eyes as her head lifted up to search for the source of the voice. When she saw Wei Xing's furious gaze peering down at her, she was about to grin only to feel a threatening pressure fall on her. Feeling quite uncomfortable, the first thing she thought of was to move away from the pressure. She attempted to roll off his lap but he held on tight. She winced from his painful grip.

"Ow! That hurts!" she cried.

Right as soon as he heard that she was pain, he quickly released her. He wanted to make her jealous but not only did she NOT get jealous, she got drunk and even touched another man. The only jealous person in the room was him!

Xiu Xiang got up to her feet and went back to her cushion. She slumped down on her cushion and demanded for more wine. The servants off to the side didn't dare to disobey. They quickly set down a few jars of wine in front of her then backed away again.

Seeing that Xiu Xiang wasn't a tad bit jealous, Wei Xing could no longer keep up the act. He pushed off the women in his arms and shouted, "Everyone get lost!"

As soon as they heard the order, everyone in the harem quickly took off. They have never been so terrified. The pressure that Wei Xing gave off was enough to make everyone's knees buckled.

Seconds later, the only people left in the room was Wei Xing and Xiu Xiang. Seeing that Xiu Xiang was completely ignoring his presence, he got up and plopped himself right next to her. He snatched the jar of wine from her hand and slammed it back on the table. Then, he pulled her over into his lap and leaned down to capture her lips. He made sure to send his frustration through the bitter kiss. He clenched down on her lips only to ease up, afraid to make her bleed.

Suddenly, Xiu Xiang's arms wrapped around his neck. She eagerly returned his kiss as if she couldn't get enough of him. Wei Xing was only too happy to oblige. He hooked an arm around her waist, pulling her closer as if he wanted her to blend into one with him. Embarrassing noises filled the silent hall of the harem but neither of them seemed to noticed as they were too entranced by one another.

The sweet feeling that teased Xiu Xiang's mouth made her delirious. Influenced by the wine, she didn't care about anything anymore. All she knew was that she wanted Wei Xing and he wanted her at the moment. Right when things were heating up, she felt something hard hit her between her legs. For someone who was from the twenty first century, she knew exactly what that hardness was. Her eyes snapped opened upon that realization. Her brain that was slowly turned to mush instantly sobered. She pulled away in a flash leaving a dazed looking Wei Xing alone on the cushion that she sat.

Her eyes subconsciously dropped down to the pitched tent in between Wei Xing's legs. No matter how drunk she was, she knew that Wei Xing was having a hard on. Her face burned at the sight and she immediately raced out of there without looking back.

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