Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people

Start from the beginning

At the end of the day, I was waiting for Kizano until Hana came by with a victorious smirk. I was confused and she spoke. "Sorry sweetheart, but Kizano wants me." "Sure... Sorry but... I don't believe you." "Why not? You don't want to believe he wants someone prettier than you?" I looked away and spoke. "No, it's because he came to my coma and admit his feelings while we were there." I smiled as I remembered it.

Hana just rolled her eyes then pulled out her phone. "Then this?" She played a recording. Neither of us saw someone walking to us as I listened and Hana was too busy making sure I was believing this.

"Yes?" "How do you really feel about (Y/n)? No need to lie, she's at her locker still." "She's a bitch. I can't believe she thinks I'd love her." "And what about Hana?" "She's the love of my life."

I was kinda shocked before I heard another recording.

"What do you want Musume?" "I'd like to ask you something." "Yes?" "How do you really feel about (Y/n)? No need to lie, she's at her locker still. Bitch is so stupid and can't open it." "You better shut up about her. She's smarter than you. Now, (Y/n) is the love of my life. I'm lucky to have her." "And what about Hana?" "She's a bitch. I can't believe she thinks I'd love her."

We looked and there was Megamo. His face was so deadpan and Hana seemed scared. "Yeah, that's bullshit. As much as I'd like (Y/n) for myself, she's happy with Kizano. So that's clearly fabricated." I nodded and smiled. "That's good." "You questioned how he feels?" "It sounded well edited. I didn't know what to believe." "Fair enough. Admittedly could've been better, but fair." I saw Kizano now and smiled. Megamo looked back and Kizano saw Megamo with phone and also saw Hana.

"What did you try now?" "Tried to break you up with an edited recording of the questioning at lunch." Kizano nodded and kissed my forehead and glared at her. "Thank you Megamo. Now, let's get you home Juliet." I nodded and smiled.


Nobody was jealous of me for getting with Oko. They didn't want to date someone who could possibly summon a demon or was constantly gloomy all the time. Meanwhile, Oko was getting all the hate from every guy who wasn't his club mates or the boys. Hell, even a couple girls were jealous of him but then his sister and the other girls just defended our relationship.

I was looking for him because I was scared he was getting yelled at but we were also going to walk home today. I was right. He was backed up in the corner and scared as he just wanted to walk with me. He had his book in his hands as I felt bad. I listened and recorded this to show to the guidance counselor. I soon walked out when I heard Oko.

"You don't deserve someone like her." "I know. Look at this gloomy little bitch." "Break up with (Y/n). She's too good for you." "Too pure." "Besides, we don't need you getting her possessed." "Please... stop... She can always... break up with... me if she... wants..." "Just break up with her and don't tell her about this." I felt bad and walked out as I acted clueless.

"Oko? Where are you?" I asked and they turned back. The people were shocked as I saw Oko. He saw me and seemed ashamed as I went to his side. "Are you okay Oko?" He nodded and I smiled. "Okay then. Let's go. You said we'd walk home together." I smiled and he nodded. He got up and we walked.

I wrapped my arms around his arm and he blushed. I smiled and we walked. When we were far enough away, I spoke. "Oko, I heard what they were saying and I recorded it." He seemed shocked and spoke. "What are you... going to do then..?" "Show the guidance counselor. I don't want you to continue being bullied because we're dating." I said and he nodded a bit. "Though her office is closed right now, so tomorrow." He nodded a bit as I smiled and kissed his cheek. He froze and I giggled. I took a picture and he was red when I was done.

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