"don't fucking touch him, jimin, or i will hurt you. i warned you last time when i beat your fucking ass," yoongi said.

jimin just stared at yoongi for a second, then turned back to hoseok, ignoring what yoongi said completely.

"at least, i wouldn't lay a hand on your head," he said to hoseok, catching yoongi of guard and swinging at him, punching him right in the face.

yoongi fell back from the impact, hitting his head on the door frame and falling to the floor, unconscious.

hoseok yelled out, falling to the floor next to him.

"yoongi!" he said, shaking him, slightly panicked, "yoongi, get up! please!"

"awh, my little bird," jimin said, grabbing the pepper spray that hoseok dropped, "how tragic."

hoseok looked up to jimin, tears streaming down his face.

"what do you want?" hoseok wept out, holding tightly onto yoongi's cold hand.

jimin just smiled at the weak boy.

"birdie, everything i want is right here. right in this room."

hoseok just shook his head.

"so, you got me!" he said, standing up from the floor, "you got me and jungkook right where you want us. you can kiss us and fuck us all you want, right?"

jimin smirked.

"but it's not gonna change anything, jimin. it's not. no matter how much you want and you take, you're never gonna get anything in return. nobody's ever gonna want you, jimin. and you try to push that on us. you try to break us down and make us feel like we don't have anyone but you. but that's just plain shit, jimin. because... look at me. look at jungkook. we're here for him. we're always gonna be here for him and that's something you'll never have. nobody loves you and nobody ever will. and it kills you. you have to wake up and deal with that every single day. when me, and jungkook, and yoongi walk out of here today, we're gonna have each other... and... and you're not gonna have... anyone."

jimin just stared at him, almost in a challenging way.

"what do you mean, 'when you walk out of here'?" he asked, wondering why on earth hoseok thought he was just gonna let him leave.

this time, it was hoseok's turn to smirk, as flashing lights and loud, booming voices filled the apartment.

"park jimin, put your hands up where we can see them," an officer shouted, pointing a gun right at him.

"you really thought we didn't call the cops before coming up here, little bird?" hoseok asked, smirking at him, as cuffs were put on his wrists.

after an officer untied jungkook and placed a blanket around him to cover his naked state, jungkook ran over by hoseok's side.

"yeah, you fucking asshole!" jungkook yelled, happily, flipping him off.

as soon as jimin was out of the apartment, medical workers were scrambling up with a stretcher, hurrying to get yoongi onto it.

hoseok ran over to them.

"what- what's going on? is he okay?" hoseok asked, panicked.

"he's gonna be fine, sir, just loosing blood fast. we need to take him to the hospital."

hoseok watched as they wheeled his lover out of the apartment in a flash.

he should have felt happy. jimin was finally gone for good. nobody could hurt him anymore. and yoongi was gonna be fine. they could be a normal fucking couple and everything would be great.

but, for whatever reason, he couldn't stop the tears that started streaming down his face. it felt like ten different emotions were hitting him at once; like every single thing that he went through was finally hitting him and he was left with having to deal with the emotions that came with everything. and on top of that, his boyfriend, whom he cared so much about was hurt.

yoongi got hurt trying to protect him.

and he was terrified that something really bad could have happened.

finally, they were done with all the jimin shit and had a chance to just be together, be happy. but now it felt like that was being taken away, too.

and hoseok wondered if his life would ever go back to normal; if the way he was feeling would ever really change.

he thought jimin going to prison would fix everything, but it didn't. healing would be something he had to figure out on his own.

after a few minutes, hoseok turned around and saw jungkook still standing there.

he was crying as well.

and hoseok couldn't help but feel like jungkook understood what he was going through. jungkook understood the emotions he was feeling, because he was going through the same thing- maybe even worse.

they didn't have to say anything, just looking at one another, they knew how each other were feeling.

and just that simple act made hoseok feel a lot better.

they were gonna get through this.


hoseok immediately ran over to him and embraced him, tightly, holding him close.

"i-i'm so sorry, kook. i'm so, so sorry."



i'm pretty sure the next chapter is the last one 👀

or maybe two more idkkk

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