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hoseok was changing into his work clothes, getting ready for the day to come.

suddenly, namjoon walked in on him changing, laughing at hoseok's little jump when he saw him standing in the doorway. hoseok had already put on his work pants, just about to pull a clean shirt over his head.

"you heading off soon?" namjoon asked, secretly a little sad to see the other leaving.

"y-yeah," hoseok said, with a sigh.

"what's wrong?" namjoon asked, walking over and sitting down on his bed.


"you can't lie to me, hoseok. i can always tell when something's bothering you."

hoseok sighed, admitting defeat.

"fine. i-i guess i'm just a little sad. i really loved my job and being a waiter when i first started, but now... it just seems so different."

"how so?"

"well... at first i thought my boss was really nice, but now he's always being such a dick and treating me bad. and a lot of the customers have been rude to me, too. really the only part i like about it now is the fact that i get to see jungkook."

"well... why don't you just quit?"

"because joon. it wasn't easy getting that job and it'd be almost impossible to find somewhere else that pays the same. i-i wouldn't have enough to stay here with you."

"well, maybe it'll get better. it was only a few shitty days, right? just keep your head up and i'm sure it will work out fine."

"i really hope so."


"hey, jungkook," hoseok said, seeing him as he walked into work.

"oh- hey, hoseok! someone dropped something off for you," he said, with a smirk.

"wait- what? really?"

"yeah. look," jungkook said, pulling out a single rose from behind his back.

hoseok smiled, immediately knowing who it was from. there was a small little note attached to the flower, as well.

it read, "(^_^) -y"

yoongi had even taken the time to draw out one of the little emoticons that hoseok liked. he couldn't help but blush softly, feeling overwhelmed with butterflies in his stomach.

"so, who's it fro-"

jungkook quickly shut his mouth when he saw their boss storming up to them.

"hoseok! you were supposed to be clocked in three minutes ago!"

"oh my god. i'm so sorry. someone just left me this and i got so distracted and-"

"shut up. come with me," he said, pulling the boy back to his office.


once they arrived, his boss locked the door and started speaking with him.

"what makes you think that's okay, hoseok? why do you get to slack off whilst everyone else is here on time and working hard."

"i-i'm so sorry, sir. i-i promise it won't ever happen again. i just need one more chance," hoseok said, nervously.

"i should fire you," the man said.

"no! please. i-i can do this. i know i can."

"i don't think so, hoseok. i think it's too much for you," he said, stepping closer.

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