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"come on~ please," hoseok whined, "just dye my hair. you don't have any more clients and you're closing up tonight, too."

"hoseok, it's not that i don't want to do your hair, you know that," yoongi said, partially laughing, while sweeping some hair off the floor, "i just... i don't think it's a good idea."

"yoongi," hoseok said, embarrassed, "that won't happen again. i swear."

"how do you know it won't happen again?" yoongi asked, walking closer to him and smiling widely, looking hoseok up and down.

"i just... i'll be careful. it doesn't get out out of hand unless i let it."

"damn," yoongi said, walking over to his drawer and reaching in to grab out his gloves and hair dye.


"i've just... i've never met someone with such a big hair pulling kink before," yoongi said, laughing.

"shut up!" hoseok said, hitting yoongi's chest, embarrassed.

"it's fine, hoseok," yoongi said, calming down from his laughing fit, "it's cute."

hoseok made direct eye contact with yoongi, his lips parting slightly. he watched as yoongi bit his bottom lip lightly, looking down at his feet and laughing.

"sorry," yoongi said, watching the blush spread across hoseok's cheeks, "come sit. you said you wanted to dye it orange, right?"

"yeah, maybe a light orange? like... a little bit pinky. more of a peach color, i guess."

"alright. sit," yoongi said, patting the hair chair.

"thanks for doing this, yoongi. i-i've really been wanting a change."

"no problem. i was thinking since i'm doing yours, maybe i should dye mine too."

"oh, yeah? what color?"

"well... how do you feel about brunettes?"

hoseok just laughed, watching yoongi's coy smile and pink cheeks through the mirror in front of them.

"well that depends who the brunette is," hoseok said, smiling back at him.

"what if it was some guy named... i don't know... yoongi?"

"hmm... well, in that case, he could literally shave all his hair off and i'd still think he was beautiful."

yoongi just widened his smile, nodding slightly.

"brown it is."


about an hour went by and hoseok was managing the hair touching pretty well. yoongi would try to tease him from time to time, causing hoseok to shiver or jump, but he was pretty much able to just laugh it off and calm back down.

yoongi had hair dye on as well, hoping it would turn out good.

yoongi left hoseok's hair to sit for another minute, while he went to go rinse off his.

when yoongi came back, he had a towel covering his new brown hair to dry it. hoseok tried pestering him to see how it looked, but he wouldn't budge, insisting hoseok waited until it was dry and styled to see it.

he took hoseok back to rinse his hair, praying he would like the end result. when hoseok saw the wash bowls, he immediately got flashbacks to when he was their last and how embarrassed he was.

yoongi noticed hoseok's hesitation and laughed, telling him to sit down.

he scrubbed his hair fast and efficiently, not wanting to rile the boy up anymore than he already had.

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