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"well, why didn't you fucking tell me that a ton of hot guys work there?" hoseok asked, hitting namjoon lightly on the arm.

"i didn't think you would mind," namjoon said, smirking.

"i don't mind, but a warning would have been nice. i looked like shit."

"i'm sure you looked fine."


hoseok had just got home from his appointment and he was freaking out about what had happened- wondering if he should tell namjoon what really went down.

"really, though. how was the appointment?"

"i-it was good. something... weird happened, though."


"well... i kinda like..."

"just say it."

"i like..," hoseok looked down at his pants, trying to explain what happened without words.

"what? you popped a boner? that's not weird. happens to me all the time."

"no, but it wasn't normal. i don't just randomly pop boners when i see hot people like you do."

"hm... then why do you think it happened?"

hoseok already had an idea of what it was, but he was too nervous to talk to namjoon about it. he wasn't sure if it was weird or not and he didn't wanna freak him out.

"nevermind. it was probably just because of all the hot guys."

"yup. that's what i thought."


hoseok and joon had decided to go get some lunch and then head to a movie. hoseok was still freaking out on the inside over everything that happened, secretly wishing he could feel how he had again when he was with yoongi.

"are you okay? you seem sort of off," joon said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"i mean... i'm fine. i guess i've just been thinking about some stuff..."

"what stuff?"

"like... sexual stuff."

"woah, okay. never thought i'd live to hear the day you open up to me about your sexual life. what's on your mind?"

"well... i-i guess i'm just embarrassed. i'm just so inexperienced. i'm literally twenty years old and i've never even had a boyfriend. i've never been touched before, i've never touched anyone else. it's just... sad. is it me? am i like... ugly?"

"jesus christ, hoseok. you're not ugly. you just don't settle for shit. you're waiting for the right person to do that stuff with, there's nothing wrong with that."

"well... what would i do if i did like someone? like... how would i even start that type of thing?"

"are you saying what i think you're saying?"

"w-what do you think i'm saying?"

"you wanna lose your virginity!" namjoon said, loudly, getting a few looks.

"shhhh, keep it down."

"ha! you do wanna get fucked. when are you gonna do it? and with who? do you like someone? let me guess. it's that jungkook kid from your work, isn't it?"

"no, no! it was just hypothetical, joon. i mean... i guess i'm sort of interested in trying it, but... there's not anyone in particular. it just... it seems... fun."

"so, why'd you bring it up?"

"i guess i was just curious about something."

"oh, yeah? what?"

"i guess i was wondering about..."

hoseok really wanted to get to the bottom of what happened to him at the salon, but he just couldn't bring himself to ask.

"i was just wondering what sex is like," hoseok said, saying the first thing that came to his head.

"sex? well... it's usually really good. it's pure pleasure. just you and someone you care about making each other feel good. it's great, really. as long as you make sure you're doing it with the right person, it's amazing."

"well, how do you know if it's the right person?"

"you'll know. when the time comes it'll be easy to tell."

"have you ever had sex you didn't like, joon?"

namjoon sighed, dreading answering the question.

"once. i... i tried hooking up with someone. i didn't even know her. it was awful, i didn't enjoy it at all. it wasn't her fault, though. some people can hook up all the time and love it. it's just that... for me, if you don't have any emotional connection with the person, there's really no pleasure there. i just felt... gross. maybe it would be different for you, i don't know. i'd just say keep saving it for someone you really care about, just to be safe. it would suck to ruin your first time."

"what was your first time?"

"it was my senior year, remember? i called you right after and was freaking out."

"oh, yeah! i was so pissed at you for losing it before me."

the two boys laughed and continued reminiscing until it fell quiet.

"yeah. you really moved away at a shitty time," namjoon said, sighing

"yeah, i did. but hey, i'm back now. we get to make for all the lost time," hoseok said, smiling.


hEyyyyy. it's officially 2020 guys 🤠 im honestly so sad tho cuz i have to go back to school in 3 days... kill me 💀

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