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"how are we supposed to get in? do we just knock?" hoseok asked, as they stood outside of jimin's apartment door.

yoongi reached for the doorknob and turned it. surprisingly, it opened right up.

both the boys were shocked that the door was unlocked, a bit hesitant to just walk in.

they both had a weapon in their hands, though, which made them feel a bit less scared. they weren't planning on using them, but figured they should bring some sort of protection, just in case.

yoongi had a knife, while hoseok held pepper spray. usually they would have brought a gun or something, but neither of them had one or had any clue of how to get their hands on one. they also didn't know if it was even legal to have one on them.

all that was on their minds was making sure jungkook was safe and getting him home.

"this is stupid, yoongi. are you sure we shouldn't just-"

"we have to make sure jungkook is okay."

hoseok nodded, stepping further apartment with yoongi.

"do you hear that?"

both boys went silent. they could make out small little pleads.

"it's coming from down there," hoseok said, pointing to a long hallway.

both boys ran down the hallway, eventually making it to the door that the noises were coming from, although now it was a lot more clear.

"jimin, please! stop! i-i'm sorry about everything- just stop~ please!"

it was jungkook.

"hush, baby. once i get you all worked up you'll realize how much you want this, how much you need me."

and jimin.

hoseok bursted the door open and what he saw was horrifying.

jimin was hovering over jungkook. they were both naked, except for jimin in his boxers.

jungkook was tied to the bed with some sort of rope, his eyes shut tightly.

"get off of him! now!" hoseok yelled.

jungkook's eyes shot open, his lips parting in shock.

jimin just turned around and saw the boys standing there. at first he was a bit surprised, but then he broke out into a laugh.

"my little bird," jimin said, looking right at hoseok, "how lovely of you to join us."

hoseok just cringed, his stance weakening slightly.

jimin turned to look back at jungkook.

"aw~ don't look so embarrassed, angel. you should be proud to show off that pretty body to your little twink friends," he said, tugging on jungkook's cock and stepping up from the bed, "i'll be right back."

jungkook just closed his eyes tightly again, wishing he could just disappear.

"what's with the the weapons?" jimin asked, laughing a bit, "i wouldn't lay a hand on your pretty little head," jimin said, pinching hoseok's cheek."

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